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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. Won't someone please think of the poor, victimized men with no choices and no ability to run off into the sunset.
  2. The Fetus Fetish, I call it. It's absolutely irrational in relation to the concern for born folks.
  3. Considering that tons of people disagree and there are legitimate reasons for that disagreement, the individual carrying the yet-to-be viable fetus gets to decide. In a sane world.
  4. What do you think the odds are that AISD gets some real relief from the recapture to help fund its own needs? (Considering the lege's motto is "shit on Austin because why not")? I don't mind paying out the ass in property taxes to fund education, and I surely do, but with half of kids here on reduced/free lunch and all the other shortfalls in resources and salary, it is absolute horseshit to be sending that much money away.
  5. Has he been asked about his lie that he didn't know what Mueller thought about his memo/summary when Mueller had told him by letter exactly what he thought?
  6. I'm a chick so I notice these things, just saying Melania's face has never resembled the woman in that photo, no matter how many surgeries ago. Totally different person
  7. ^ tha fuk? Is that real? Because that is (again) not Melania. And of COURSE they'd have Barron in a fecking suit and tie.
  8. Please to tell us more about this rage and its source
  9. I always dug this song. I think it was on the soundtrack to Valley Girl (totally allsome Nic Cage pic) Sadly, the singer later killed himself.
  10. there was literally some plastics manufacturing lobbying group that got their ass chapped over it and God knows the lege can't resist a good blowjob from industry
  11. Holy shit. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? or sit down cause they both standing
  12. I wish I could pos rep x 10. Let the happy memories and funny shit sustain you. And knowing you gave him a great and very long life. Good bois with fur faces couldn't ask for anything more. You did well by Ro, Pods.
  13. Yeah, I don't understand the discussion re: Jr's knowledge and how that gets him off the hook. The intent element goes to your intent to actually do the thing that is illegal. Not to the illegality itself. I suppose some offenses are defined to require knowledge of the illegality but those are generally rare. Someone got the elements of the particular conspiracy charge at issue?
  14. The new cap on deducting property taxes fucking murdered me. Otherwise, would not have owed even MOAR after paying out the ass. Thanks Trump.
  15. lol like the gate lady in Charles de Gaulle airport who I asked if she'd check and see if my luggage had made the trip with me so far, so it would get there with me to Frankfurt. Checks, and assures me it's there. Narrator: It wasn't.
  16. yeah but how wealthy is this dude, really? Being a working (not big name) actor doesn't mean he's rolling in it. Definitely some factors at play here, though.
  17. youtube comment on the trailer: "WATCH the movie in Theaters to see the deleted scenes from the TRAILER." Will watch anyway.
  18. when I think freedom, I think MIKE PENCE
  19. This sucks. I freaking loved that band. Celebrate their entire catalog. I saw him once describing going to a pub and some dude thought he was just a random guy trying to look like Keith, and saying sarcastically, "oh look it's the Firestarter!" and Keith could only respond "but... but.. I really AM the Firestarter!" He was like if Vyvyan from the Young Ones and Billy Idol had a love child. Bummed about this.
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