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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BurdineBandit

  1. 19 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

    Yeah if we're lucky maybe 1 of those 3 picks will turn into an all star like the one we just traded 

    This is where I'm at. Maybe we get a Top 2-3 pick FINALLY next year. But maybe we get fucked in the lottery and don't. Or maybe we're not shitty enough because we still have improving talent like Keldon and Devin on this team. So maybe we just traded away our only home-grown all-star in forever for a few rolls of the dice. 

  2. On 6/26/2022 at 1:09 AM, Zeus said:

    15-0 all finishes is pretty decent, first real competition and he completely dominated him taking zero damage. 

    Wonderboy call out kind of sucks because he's such a better wrestler. He should fight Belal or Vicinte next, an actual challenge in wrestling and grappling.

    I was disappointed as soon as he dropped the name. Another lanky striker, like the one he just beat by outwrestling. Don't even have to tweak the gameplan. Hopefully the UFC ignores that nonsense. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, TexasEd said:

    MSNBC tearing everyone involved a new one tonight.  Here are some of the things reported on national news:

    • Everyone was keeping hushed about it to not release anything before the November election to protect Abbot
    • The Uvalde District Attorney was the front person for the messaging to not release anything but she apparently was not investigating anything since the shooter was dead.
    • There were 91 State Troopers on site most of them part of Abbott's operation Lone Start Border Interdiction including all the high leaders of that operation, Numerous City and School Police
    • There were at least 12 officers with body armor, ballistic shields and AR-15s in place within a few minutes of the shooting
    • They had a door breaching device
    • The doors were never checked by the police in the hall but they were looking for a key
    • The doors could only be locked with a key from the outside so the shooter could not have locked it from inside
    • At least one door was not locked or the lock was inoperable
    • They were there in numbers with equipment within minutes, they never checked the door, at least 3 more volleys of fire were shot over the next hour
    • Governor Abbott was trying to cover up these facts until after the election and his task force is in the crosshairs now.
    • The School Police Chief has been suspended and the City council voted not to give him a leave of absence from his council seat so that when he misses his third meeting his seat is vacated
    • The Mayor of Uvalde who berated Beto for saying they are doing nothing is now criticizing Abbot and the DPS.  He is fighting back against Austin
    • A FOIA request for the DPS body cam video was ignored and has turned into a lawsuit against DPS
    • The Federal Border Patrol showed up, assessed the incompetent dipshits they were dealing with and they breached the room and shot the killer while all the DPS and City guys were outside holding their dicks.


    I don't believe this for one second. Abbott and his public-serving compadres like Rafael were telling people not to ask questions about the response or about guns right now because "this is not the time for politics". I, for one, believe that they care about the victims' families and only had their fellow Texans' best interests in mind after this tragedy.



    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 45 minutes ago, futureman said:

    in high school there have been too many to count. if by “elite” we’re talking about all-district (maybe all-state) which is all pink was supposed to be. he wasn’t some all-time talent. 

    Yep if this is Huntsville, aka small-town Texas football, winning district is all that arm has to do. Not all programs are CenTex in 2022. There used to be parity. We used to be a proper state. 

  5. I know I'm years late, but I finally got around to playing it after tiring myself out of FIFA for the past half year.

    I'm very early in the game, but just got out of a 2-hour trance after discovering Saint Denis. I'm in freaking New Orleans killing time, was supposed to be passing through to hunt a bounty, but I wound up playing a game of dominos (all 5s, like God intended), watching a $2 variety show, buying a new gun and ammunition, and then visiting the black market to sell off a bunch of jewelry I looted from killing the bounty hunters chasing one of my gunslinger book people. This game is really something else. I can kill a whole session of playing by just bullshitting around and then deciding I'll just do the bounty tomorrow. The metaverse lifestyle is already here and I think the sonofabith got me. 

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  6. I'm under no delusion that anything will actually change. I feel like the most likely outcome is some more bullshit red flag nonsense and tighter paperwork constrictions, but the guns will still be there. And the sellers will still be trying to make money off of it all. 

    But, I am glad to see the families start to speak out. After hearing about that mom get threatened with jail for speaking out, and many with power in the town apparently working hard to keep information from getting out, I'm glad the actual victims in this are finding ways to speak up. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    None of her ass walking through the door?

    Her What walking through the door? 

    Don't get me wrong, she averages up that 9.5 to a 10 in other ways. Just stunning. But them jeans were baggy as hell while she walked through the door. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 13 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

    JUST saw it at the Bob bullock Imax and it rock fucked my face off! 

    Fucking amazing!

    Bullock was sold out at 4 and 7 yesterday so I went to the IMAX at Barton Creek and on 2nd watch, yep, it's still badass. 

  9. Saw this last night and enjoyed the hell out of it. Had to watch the original for the first time in its entirety this week, and glad I did. Great update. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:


    The evidence is clear IMO that more guns aren't going to prevent the next Uvalde - the MAGA buffalo shooter mowed down an armed security guard - the Uvalde guy apparently engaged and injured a couple police in the beginning - both of those events had a shooter with body armor and semi auto long rifles (I believe).  I don't believe more guns or a more militarized police would decrease the frequency or magnitude of mass shooting events - especially when compared to something like assault weapons bans combined with registration and licensing requirements, robust background checks, and mandatory waiting periods.

    There have now been a few conflicting statements on whether he engaged anybody outside. First there was a resource officer, then there was no resource officer, then I read last night there was a 12-minute confrontation before the shooter even entered the school (which kinda makes sense if he crashed his truck 100 feet away). I've also read that he had no plate in his vest, which would lead me to believe that they just couldn't shoot for shit and resorted to telling people around that he was iron man and their bullets were bouncing off him. 

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