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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. I like to think when Saban starts screaming that no one else is on the headset. Just yelling to himself like a maniacal crazy man.
  2. Maybe, maybe not Georgia -33 Michigan -33 Fla St -19 Ohio St -17 Bama -19
  3. Carson Beck is on the field right now.
  4. They really need to start some of these games at 10:30, everyone going to half together is unAmerican
  5. I don't see any competitive games at 11, unless there's a shocker somewhere.
  6. That is a good way to describe it, his energy and looseness is needed. I like the guy. He is a bit of a meat-head, but he knows it and he is not trying to be anything different, just have a good time.
  7. Man I hate weekends we don't play. What am I supposed to do spend time with the family?
  8. Seriously is Brando on a combination of bad drugs
  9. You guys don't get it, he wants to spit on people. thssssppi This is a big deal, the spitting, and he needs to do it.
  10. Some of you guys would bitch during a blow job.
  11. That time instead of herewego, I think he said Billy Joel
  12. Do you not have any friends to go play with, because nobody here gives a fuck about you.
  13. I was talking about the very suspicious cramping the play before that. Then this guy hurts his leg while I was typing.
  14. Good time for somebody to get a hold of one
  15. That song may be the only thing worse than this game.
  16. They are collapsing right in front of our face. About to have all offseason to talk about how they couldn't get 1 game the last week.
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