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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. He's not injured, he's just hurting. And as Seth Maxwell said, we're all hurting.
  2. Another damn hold on the edge at the goal line. Totally unnecessary, both of them.
  3. How is that not catch interference? He couldn't get up to the ball.
  4. K-State defense looks terrible. They're barely ready and lined up in time, and their secondary can't cover anyone.
  5. Colorado vs Colorado St, big home rivalry game, so let's get that famous Coloradan 'The Rock' as our guest picker.
  6. ESPN still leads significantly in the ratings, but that number is closing a little every week.
  7. Saudi green or red white & blue. The choice is yours
  8. I hate when people say something like that, "This is worse than anything you could have possibly thought of" Really? And you say this on 9/11. How about some people slide in there with uzis start mowing people down? How about Rodgers whipped his pecker out on the first play and started running around? That seems worse. Things could always be worse, this seems half expected.
  9. Everyone ragging on Sims from Nebraska, you want to see awful Qb play flip over here and watch Utah. Fucking terrible
  10. His decision making and field awareness are awful. Good athlete, 2 cent head.
  11. Obviously IQ tests aren't a big criterion for Clemson quarterbacks
  12. It is amazing how bad this bullpen is, I mean fucking amazing.
  13. keep fucking around and fucking around and fucking around
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