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Posts posted by MidTexHorn

  1. My friend's dad, a lifelong Republican voter and semi-retired oil company exec, and also an atheist, called her to tell her he was at church and praying for ways short of him dying of Covid to make sure that Trump doesn't win.

    As I've said before, my completely apolitical wife and sister, talk nonstop about how disgusting Trump is. My sister has already voted straight ticket D for the first time in her life, my wife will tomorrow.

    I'm set to vote straight ticket Dem for the first time in my life. My kids all voted straight ticket Dem.

    It's anecdotes like this that have never happened in my lifetime that make me really fucking curious to see how things go Tuesday. Maybe it doesn't mean shit, but here's to hoping it does.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  2. Republicans are turning out early in Midland. Here’s an article about early voting out there. The numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the state on the whole, but they’re going to easily surpass 2018 and 2016 numbers, and they won’t be voting for Biden or MJ - Cruz got 77% of the vote in 2018. Interesting to see if this is playing out statewide and nationwide. Suspect voters are fired up on both sides to turn out. 

  3. I haven't voted yet, will next week.

    I will be voting straight ticket Dem for the first time in my life and doing it with joy. I can't wait to get rid of the assholes in the party that I supported for so many years - man was I a fool.

    I will vote FOR both Austin propositions, because I think spending a few hundred extra bucks a year on infrastructure is a good investment even though I'm never impressed with the city's government. In the end it's worth it even if they won't spend it in the best way possible.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I was born exactly between the 61 and 71 group, in 1966.  My "personal graph" mirrors the 1971.  I'm 54 now so, you could go ahead and trend that line well into the liberal side.

    Huh, I guess I'm the "if you're a Republican at 20 you have no heart, if you're a liberal at 50, you have no brain.   

    I blame hornfans, shag and surly, respectively. 

    Born in 67 and fit the same profile. Lifelong Republican now swinging way to the left. I can live with it.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. I just moved to  Austin and got online to confirm that my change of address has gone through, but my registration says it's not valid until 10/26 so I'll be waiting until then to vote. Wasn't planning on going today anyway.

    I look forward to checking every single damn box for a Democrat after voting 90% Republican for the last 30+ years. Hard to envision what it would take from the Rs to get me back, as I really don't think that will ever be possible.

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  6. 3 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    Self paced astronomy was the way to go.  The only problem with that was you had to take 3 additional hours of the same science.  Which meant that spring I took The Search for Extraterrestrial Life.  Figured we’d watch E.T. a few times.  That shit was some horrid combination of biology, chemistry, and math.

    That was exactly the combo that I took - self paced astronomy followed by ET. Weren't the toughest classes I ever took, but definitely not the blow off I was hoping for.

  7. 6 minutes ago, heso said:

    That clip highlights something that has been bothering me about how Fox News and the like speak about trump. Maybe it’s just the first time I’ve been paying this close attention, but I can’t remember any mainstream media exalting a president like they do with Trump. And I just don’t understand it. I get talking up your guy. But I don’t understand the desire to build him up to such mythical standards. He doesn’t just work hard, he works harder than anyone who has ever lived. He’s not just fighting covid, he’s fighting it with a fervor that no one else can muster. And not only do I not get the desire to do it, I don’t see how it’s not plainly transparent bullshit. Even if the man worked hard, why say he has a work ethic that the rest of us can only dream of? It’s so over the top that, at least at the fringes of their target market, it has to turn some people off.  

    it comes off as goofy North Korean style propaganda and I don’t fucking get it. 

    That’s because you aren’t a member of the cult

    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. The two non-political women in my living room tonight (my wife and sister) who have been politicized by the Trump shit show in recent years were left aghast by Trump’s behavior in the debate,. I think the low point was his attack on Biden’s boys - lots of audible gasps and “what an asshole” comments. I don’t think Trump won over any white suburban women tonight. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  9. 11 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I realize that Russia is a convenient boogeyman, but why is there always a connection? I didn't know that Burnett (of Apprentice fame), the former British Army paratrooper was working with Russian officials when he was working on producing 'Destination Mir' and that Putin was involved. It's so far fetched, but why can't it be France or Switzerland for pete's sake.

    Because the Russian oligarchs/mob (same thing) recognize and know how to exploit an easy Mark when they find him?

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