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Posts posted by MidTexHorn

  1. 4 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    Look at the people in your life pushing these conspiracy theories. I’d bet they fall in a certain stratum of IQ or academic record that is just above-average enough to breed confidence but not quite enough to convey competence. That’s what I’m seeing, at least. 

    Mostly. I do know a UT biology grad who pushes this shit but she's the exception. Most of the family and friends who I see pushing it on Facebook are evangelicals who are prone to believe every right wing conspiracy theory that comes along. Sadly, that includes my mother and father-in-law who both posted the Plandemic video on Facebook today. What a freaking beat down.

  2. If you are out and about in Midland, you would barely know that anything has changed since last year other than the increased number of realtor signs on every other house. Less than 10% of the customers at HEB wearing masks, almost zero attention to social distancing except where it is enforced in the checkout lines. Huge groups of families hanging out by the duck pond last night, getting food from a food truck, nary a mask to be found. We've had very few cases so far, most of which are associated with a bad outbreak at one nursing home, and people basically believe it can't happen here. Hope they're right.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    52 with no pre existing conditions per Amy.  If true, these are the cases that scare the hell out of me.  Sadly, I wonder if people in this country would start to take it more seriously if  someone famous actually died as opposed to just catching the virus.

    Yeah, it really scares the hell out of me too, since I'm also 52 with no pre existing conditions. Dying because I can't breath is also my number one fear, so this whole thing hits close to home.

  4. Funny this was the top post on the board when I came here this morning to ask the same question. Have a monthly cash game with buddies that I’d like to take online given this virus crap and just wondering what’s the best solution. If I find anything we like I’ll come back and post. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Unlike the French, Americans are willing to lie down and take just about anything from those in authority.  Maybe that will change though if unemployment really does hit 20%. 

    Well, it’s been pretty fucking good in this country for several decades for a large percentage of people and we’ve gotten unbelievably fat, dumb and lazy. That may change a lot sooner than any of us thought it would. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I don't understand why they can't test.  Meaning they don't have access to the test?

    No clue. It was a short conversation. I got the distinct impression that she is trying not to rock the boat and is trying to “follow orders” so to speak. Maybe the higher ups know they don’t have the tests and are keeping that info from the front line providers. Whatever it is she was mega frustrated. My daughter in law is a nurse at Dell Children’s and she said she was not surprised by what my client was telling me. 

  7. Had a call with a client who owns a minor emergency clinic here in Midland. She is pissed at the county health people. Says she has three people who she suspects of having the virus, one she’s almost positive about, but they won’t let her test them. They tested negative for flu and then negative on other viruses but she can’t get permission to test for Covid. She says they have the capability - there are three labs in town that could run the test. She thinks they are trying to manipulate numbers to keep confirmed cases out of the news for some reason. I don’t know her politics but I suspect she and her husband are probably Trumpers like everyone else in this town so I found that interesting. 

    • Like 2
  8. As a former small bit player in the national intelligence apparatus (Air Force intel) and former Republican voter, I am beyond outraged at what these assholes are perpetrating on the country. What a sackless cunt Grenell is. Fucking nut up dude and do your duty as an American. Makes me sick.

    • Like 3
  9. Florida will not be kind to Bernie. That place is set up for Biden to dominate. I suspect he'll do very well in NY as well. I think this thing is way closer to over than the current delegate count suggests.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    This race drives home the pitfall of the old adage that a candidate has to run as far to the left as their nearest competitor in the primary and then turn heel and run back to the center for the general.  If batshit crazy Bernie and his cult were not in the picture then Senator Warren could have stayed more towards the center and kicked fucking ass.  She could have been another Bill Clinton / Barack Obama, but to the Bernie Bros that's not good enough.

    I said it when Bernie announced his candidacy and I'll say it again.  He's going to fuck this up for all of us.

    You are a fucking beatdown.  Worse than the Bernie bros you love to ridicule. GTFO or get on board man. Bernie is way to my left but this is happening. Get with it or get with Trump dude. 

  11. I know what I’m going to do. I love Liz, think she would be a great President but she’s not a great candidate. She’s been my #1 pick, but it ain’t happening. I’m jumping on the Bernie train. All aboard! Let’s kick Trumps ass!

    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    We all have our blindspots. I work in two blue states with muted Trump support - which is far different than those of you living as a blueberry in a raspberry soup. 

    Just a hunch (which may be totally wrong) - but this may be the blindspot for moderates in Texas - a state where the fracking economy has temporarily shielded moderates from the real economy: 


    Household debt is again at record highs - surpassing the 2008 levels by $1.5 trillion.

    The CMD’s latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit reveals that total household debt increased by $193 billion, or 1.4 percent, to reach $14.15 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2019. This marks the twenty-second consecutive quarterly increase, with total household debt now $1.5 trillion higher, in nominal terms, than the pre-recession peak of $12.68 trillion, set in the third quarter of 2008. 
    There is genuine economic fear our there - outside of the oil patch. And you know what happens when the non-oil economy falters - down goes oil and the workers in the the fossil fuel industry.  I think we are already seeing those pains work their way through the system. If China's industry crashes, the demand for oil will sink quickly.
    I remember what it was like to live in Texas when oil and gas + banking sectors were ailing, while the nation was feeling no pain. Texas was on an island and no one cared. Frankly, with Sanders' support in Texas, I think economic worries have become pressing - even if it doesn't hit centrists' bank accounts just yet. 
    But again - you blueberries in Texas know what it is like to live under Trump in a red state and I don't. And you may be far more connected to the damage done by Trump to vulnerable communities in Texas. 
    I don't believe giving up is the answer - when so many with less powerful voices need your solidarity. 

    Us, not me. 

    I live smack dab in the middle of the strawberry soup that is Midland, Texas. This town abso-fucking-lutely loves Donald Trump. I mean looooooves him. You should see the ads the guys running for the Repub congressional seat here are running. They might even make Trump blush, they're so obviously publicly fellating him.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah, I don't recall seeing ANY Bloomberg excitement around here.

    But I'll tell you a Bloomberg supporter who has surprised me -- my 76 yr old mom.  She HATES Trump.  I mean, pure, visceral loathing.  And just in the past couple of weeks, has gotten all Bloomberg-y.  I haven't had time to visit with her about it, but I'm betting pretty strongly that it's the "electability" perception -- she thinks Bloomberg can beat Trump, and that's the most important thing.  I get the priority, I just don't think that Bloomberg is that guy.  The "safe, utterly uninspiring, generic old white guy who can probably beat Trump" choice remains Biden.  Biden has a lotta weaknesses, but I think he holds up a shitload better than Bloomberg.

    Yeah, this is my wife. Normally completely apolitical, but hates, despises, loathes, etc. everything about Trump. She is all in to beat him, but really knows almost nothing about his policies or about the policies of any of the Dems except in the most general sense. She's really enjoyed the Bloomberg ads and may end up voting for him. I'm trying to talk her out of it.

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