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Posts posted by MidTexHorn

  1. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Is opening day for MLS traditionally the last Saturday in February?  376 days then, a bit under 54 weeks.  Reason I ask, I think they get the stadium proper finished out in time.  But the infrastructure/parking egress are not going to be done in time at this current pace.  

    Suspect you're correct which is why I'll be Ubering to/from the Domain or a nearby brewery rather than directly to the stadium, at least initially.

  2. Saw Pat Green at Mile Zero Fest in Key West a few years back and then ran into him at a little bar near our Airbnb after the show. He was ordering a margarita and insisted on buying for our entire group. After all of the shit I've heard about him, I was fully expecting the show to suck, but he was great and we were all pleasantly surprised. Then, to meet him afterwards and for him to be totally cool was also a pleasant surprise. He was in a great mood, when we resisted having him pay for our drinks he said "shit man, if you knew how much they pay me for this you'd take the free drink. It's ridiculous!" Got a big laugh from everyone. He was very laid back, chatting with everyone. I became a fan after not really having liked him that much previously.

    Saw Lance Armstrong at the Marfa "Railroad Revival Tour" stop featuring Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharp & the Magnetic Zeros and Old Crow. Still probably the best concert experience of my life. Lance was hanging at the sound booth, but didn't talk to him.

    Saw Lars Ulrich of Metallica at the Radiohead show at ACL Fest in 2016. He was hanging in the VIP area by the sound booth with some hottie and we were right in front of that on the other side of the rail from him. We said hi and my buddy and his wife got a pic with him, but that was it.

  3. Just booked an Airbnb a block off of Canal for Thursday - Sunday of the LSU game weekend. Gonna be spending some time in this thread doing a little research. I've been to New Orleans a handful of times, and the food and drink choices are so good and numerous that is overwhelming. Fortunately, everything is so good that its hard to make a bad decision.

  4. 48 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    Well fuck, I guess I can scratch England off the list of places we'll move to when Trump gets re-elected.

    When we were in Vancouver in 2017, I got dragged into a few political conversations with randoms. I fully expected to get accosted about him and told everyone my thoughts on him which are well documented here. Of course I hate him; I'm not a greedy prick, a racist, an idiot, or scared of change. To my surprise, a lot of them looked at him as a cult of personality that they were envious of. Several comments along the lines of "I wish our government stuck up for us  like Trump does", yada yada. Got the same thing with an Uber driver that took us to Heathrow.  Older black guy. And you're seeing Trump-like figures get elected here and there with increasing frequency all over the world.

    This stuff is pretty frightening. Not sure where is safe from the wave of anti-intellectualism that is en vogue right now. Germany and France were pretty staunchly anti when we went, I guess.

    It will pass. Eventually.

    Odd. Every Canadian I've met hates the guy. In Ireland last year, I drank beer with a couple Canadians for a couple hours and we all agreed that Trump is disgusting and reflects horribly on the US. Every other person we talked to about Trump over there felt the same. England may be different.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    What would she say if you asked her if she agreed with the thing about "Their  numbers will soon overwhelm the culture as we have known it"?   Does she "love brown people" but not their cultures? 

    I suspect she didn't pay too much attention to that or what it means or the race baiting double meaning. If I did ask her that question, I think she'd say we don't want their culture of corruption and violence (MS-13 holla!).

  6. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    It’s never been about anything more than that. Everything else they say is completely disingenuous bullshit.

    And they WILL say a lot. Because they know that their real reasons are loathsome and evil. But know that what they say - all of it - is bullshit.

    Preserving our “cultural purity” is the driver. Always has been. Always will be.

    21sr century nationalist nazi dreams.

    Yup, and I'm seeing it first hand. My mom is not a nazi. She loves brown people. She has several in her family. She is not in any way racist that I've ever seen.

    Yet here we are. I suspect there were many like her in Germany in the 1930s who didn't hate the Jews but were easily led down that path out of fear, manipulation, propaganda, economic worries, etc. Really sad to see it happening here, in my family, in 2019.

  7. My very evangelical mother just posted this little essay on Facebook from that paragon of Christian decency James Dobson: https://drjamesdobson.org/about/july-newsletter-2019?sc=hpslider1

    So much bullshit, I don't even know where to start. He acknowledges the fucking humanitarian nightmare of it all and then proceeds to blame the liberals and say that prayer for Trump and his Wall are the only fix (I'm paraphrasing). Unreal what so called Christians in this country have become. My mom was a fucking missionary in Central America for crying out loud, and this is what she has been reduced to.

  8. 23 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    it's not just trump. it's mcconnell, it's the nra, it's dan patrick, it's abbott, it's cruz and cornyn. it's a number of things. the whole republican party is just so fucking gross right now. just watch a trump rally. 

    i used to vote probably 75% republican, with the rest libertarian. very rarely would i vote for a dem. 

    now i am 0% republican and it's largely because fuck them, that's why. the party is shit. 

    Yup. Described me to a T, as well as multiple family members and friends. It's anecdotal, not sure how many other folks fall into our camp.

  9. 11 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I don’t agree with any of the Dem candidates on much, but after write in candidate protest voting in 2016 I’ve accepted that I’m just going to have to vote for the Democrat in 2020 no matter how looney the platform is.   Trump being our President is too unconscionable.

    But I do hope the Democrat nominee is one of the moderates (which basically leaves Biden, and then Klobuchar, Delaney and maybe Beto, although only Biden has a real shot), and that the Congress stays divided after 2020.  I just want the psychopath con man out of the Presidency while mostly being gridlocked and returning to normal instead of the Democrats getting to pass Bernie’s platform or the Dotard and Republican sycophants continuing their homage to Nero’s Rome.  

    I don’t think there are a lot of ton of people exactly like me, but there probably will be more conservatives in play for Democrats than any other election in the last 20+ years, and there are plenty of older left-leaning people who just want a return to normalcy more than radical change.  It could be enough to make a moderate primary campaign a better play than you would think, especially since about 19 of the 24 candidates are all vying for the most progressive mantle. 

    I know some folks like you. What I strongly believe though, is that at the end of the day they won't be able to pull the trigger for a D no matter how distasteful they find Trump. I don't think going overboard to appeal to this segment of the electorate by nominating a Biden is worthwhile.

    I also know a number of folks like me, who are lifelong Republican voters who have fully made the switch and will not only vote anything but Trump but will also support much more left-leaning policy and Democratic candidates for offices other than the Presidency. I have several friends and family members who I am firmly convinced will never vote for another Republican again, at least at any time in the foreseeable future. For some of us, Trump was the eye opener we needed to swing way left and realize the lie we'd been buying from the so called conservatives.

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  10. I suspect they'll have a few hundred in the upper corners for $20/match, most will be significantly more. Supporters sections across MLS run from $280 - $550. I'm expecting Austin to be in the higher range of that, maybe the upper 400s.

  11. Not really. I looked at Houston for an example, and it looks like anywhere from around $400 to well into the several thousands depending on location and amenities.

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  12. Hamilton is freaking awesome. Saw it in Chicago (voluntarily) and seeing it again in Austin next week (again voluntarily). Music is great, staging is great. Far and away the best musical I've ever seen.

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  13. Just thought I'd join the thread to humble brag and say that my new place in South Austin is about 1/2 mile from Valentinas. Place makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Got damn I'm gonna be a fat fuck.

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  14. As a former right wing Christian (grew up somewhere to the right of Jerry Falwell) with much of my family (at least the older folks) still in that same boat, I tend to agree with @bad_teammate on this. While I appreciate what Pete is saying and really like the guy, it's a no win argument. Every time I try to come up with a religious argument for my family, I ultimately reject it and decide to stay silent because you just can't argue with faith. They believe what they want and and I just can't refute that, no matter how ridiculous or hypocritical I think they're being. Better to stay away from the faith based arguments and stick to facts, science and reality. It's the winning argument in the long run.

  15. On 3/25/2019 at 7:41 PM, immamac said:

    there was always something just off about ABGB to me - I can't quite put my finger on it. 

    Pinthouse was always solid, never great and got my vote here for convenience factor.

    Love ABGB for beer and hanging out, but I feel this way about their food. Maybe I'm the only one, but I think their pizza absolutely sucks ass and have yet to eat anything there that I absolutely loved.

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