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Everything posted by pantone159

  1. That is the whole fucking point. These people are utterly loathsome without any qualification.
  2. I have some SaltStick FastChews (electrolyte tablets), I find them at REI, that I eat if I cramp up. I don't get them as bad as it sounds you do, but I do get them sometimes. And tongue cramps suck.
  3. And so this is not miniballer then? Just trying to keep my racist internet trolls straight, so this world doesn't start to seem crazy.
  4. Is miniballer a he? I am confused.
  5. You need to find a bird with snek perched on a cactus someday. Ideally eagle, rattlesnek and prickly pear, but any version would be very cool.
  6. If the package is spelled 'Gilette' that is your first clue...
  7. This actually happened during WWII. Soon after the USA entered the war, the Germans sent some submarines to attack shipping on the east coast of the USA. They were devastating at first, partially because the merchants refused to turn off the lights, it was bad for business, and then the silhouettes of ships were easy to find and easy pickings.
  8. That is my take. I am fine walking around outside without one, though I often have a buff around my neck which I can turn into a mask if needed. I think the non-N95 masks do help protect you a little bit. It is not full protection, but better than nothing.
  9. Yes, and also bright Sirius makes a nice triangle with the Moon and Venus. Thanks for getting me to get out and look, cause going outside is a complicated ritual these days.
  10. One of the first things I realized once I started semi-isolation, was that I was using a LOT more paper towels than usual. Once I started to get into the routine of disinfecting stuff, for me that is a paper towel and some alcohol, and I will be doing this a lot, probably for months and months. Plus being home and eating at home all the time I use more. It is the most sanitary way to dry your hands after washing too. I looked at my towel stash, and it was obviously inadequate. So off to HEB I went!
  11. Actually, this might be pretty important. Especially the keypad/touch pad you use to approve the transaction. Everybody else who has been through the line has touched that thing in the exact same place you do. And the virus lives relatively long on plastic surfaces. It is probably wise to consider ANY touch screen or keypad as covered in SARS-2/COVID virus for the time being. Anything you can avoid touching, ESPECIALLY something that lots of other people touch, is a very good thing. I have some e-touch gloves (not sure if that is the right name) which let you use touch screens while wearing them, I put these on when I went to the ATM (which I also assumed to be covered in this virus).
  12. That is my current HEB. I hope that tweet is not from Monday or before because I was there Tue morning. The rest of your comment is correct.
  13. https://www.biospace.com/article/moderna-s-covid-19-vaccine-clinical-trial-starts-today/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/03/16/first-stage-of-covid-19-vaccine-testing-gets-under-way/ Some links. Sounds like it is farther along that I just suggested above. But still 12-18 months from being ready for widespread use.
  14. I think it may be a proto-vaccine that still does not have anything related to COVID-19 yet. The trial is to try and find any bad side effects of the rest of the cocktail. I do not have a link handy, but I read something like that this morning.
  15. I (was) with you on avoiding Tylenol completely, but I am going to skip the NSAIDs for now. The theory that I heard: Part of your bodies response to this virus is inflamation. By using the NSAIDs, you interfere with this process, and it somehow ends up worse. Whatever the reason, it seems that use of NSAIDs is correlated with the real bad reactions to this. This is surely not well tested at this point, or sure that there is any issue, but I figure it is good enough to give up on the NSAIDs for the moment. I am not in health care, so I am very interested in thoughts from any who are about this issue. So if I get an ache, my main plain is to just suck it up. I will go buy some Tylenol in case I get a fever that I need to try and manage, but hopefully I'll get to leave that bottle unopened.
  16. Yeah, I am on the computer (Firefox), and I usually have NoScript throttling some things, so it might not act the same for me as others. I find it kind of a confusing UI. I think if you go to their profile page, which is where I would expect there to be some 'Ignore this user' option, there is no such thing.
  17. For me, I hover over the users avatar picture, and in a few seconds, a popup comes up, that has an 'Ignore User' at the bottom in the middle. Click on that, and you can select what to ignore. I just ignore posts, thankfully I do not get PMs from anybody that I have on ignore.
  18. If that is too gaudy looking, I am willing to help out and take it off your hands...
  19. I want to get one of the 8R coins sometime. I would like to have a collection for the Six Flags, with one item from each nation that controlled Texas. For Spain, an 8R, Mexico City mint, dated 1800-1810, would fit the bill. I just have not got around to finding the right one yet.
  20. That one is real, BottleRocket. Here are a couple of my Texas notes: The first is from the Republic of Texas era. It is not that obvious from the image, but the note has been sliced almost to ribbons. That is the cancellation from when this was finally paid off in $5 in real money. The Republic did everything that they could to default on their currency, but when it came time to be admitted to the USA, the obligations had to be met, as they were then sort-of US obligations, and the USA did actually pay their bills, and so a bail-out was arranged, and the note holders were eventually paid in full. (Most of the original holders had given up and sold their notes to speculators for pennies on the dollar, and it was the speculators who got paid in full, that is how things go.) This one is from the pre-Republic days, from the 1830s I think, for a private bank that hoped to open, under a Mexican charter. (Notice that this is denominated as 1 dollar and 1 peso.) This bank never actually opened (notice there are no signatures), but some of the blank printed notes did survive.
  21. Congrats, H.E.! I missed this thread until today. I have read Texas Highways for decades, so when I just noticed this I picked up one issue that I had handy and found the awesome snowman on the back page. That is an honor to get to be part of that regularly.
  22. I like the big hunks of silver. Nice and hefty. Mopar: Sorry, but that note is not real, it is a reproduction. The brown 'parchment' paper is a giveaway, there are lots of reproductions of different notes on that kind of paper. The signatures ought to be pen signed as well, and yours are printed. There is a real note that looks like that though.
  23. It looks like an old-school stealth aircraft. Do they claim that it is hard to pick up on police radar?
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