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Everything posted by pantone159

  1. It seems that Mount Whitney is not quite exactly on the trail, but really close? You don't want to miss that one! When on the calendar do you expect to get to that point?
  2. Good luck Biff! I have heard that the PCT is the coolest of the really long distance trails in the USA. Enjoy the mountain views.
  3. Does the Governor have the authority to fire the BOR at will?
  4. The BOR has not necessarily changed course yet. They told Loh to bring the coach back, or be fired. Loh first went along and HE changed his mind. The BOR has not rescinded their threat to fire him, afaik.
  5. I think it is sufficient to bring it to a boil at all. Going the whole 'full boil for three minutes' will make you 100% sure you killed everything, but if the whole volume gets to boiling at all, you are good. So coffee makers are ok, thank god.
  6. My Bank of America card has this, they call it ShopSafe. The card is not super great so I do not use it that much, but it is free, and I am happy enough. I really like the disposable number feature.
  7. I have stayed at a motel in Carlsbad NM (and maybe also Van Horn TX) and done the summit hike from that base. About an hour drive before you get to the trailhead, but no big deal. I am not much a fan of the campground at the park, almost all of the sites have zero shade, so if it is hot the sun can be a beating.
  8. To clarify some terms that are often confused: 'Free climbing' means that you are roped in, tied to a belayer and an anchor. But all your vertical ascent is by you climbing yourself. The rope system is insurance, but does nothing to haul yourself up. If you fall, you get caught by your belayer. This is how Tommy and Kevin climbed this route. 'Aid climbing' means that, some of the time, you use the rope/anchor to pull yourself up, i.e. on a super blank part of the wall. So the rope system is essential to the climbing. This is how this route used to be always (and still mostly is) climbed. 'Free solo climbing' means that you have no rope and no anchor. If you fall, you hit the deck, 3000 feet below in this case. The climbing is mechanically the same as 'free climbing', but the stakes are far higher.
  9. Another plus to Fredericksburg, is that Enchanted Rock is nearby. That is one of my favorite place for hiking near Austin. It is about 2 hours from Austin but much closer to FB. There are lots of fun granite domes to hike up and down. The park fills up quick so getting there early gives you the best chance to get in.
  10. Since today is World Snek Day, I figured I'd post this pic I took a few years ago in Tanzania. Puff adder at work.
  11. Rijstaffel at an Indonesian restaurant is a good dinner. The problem with Dutch local cuisine (except the Indonesian part) is that Dutch cuisine sucks.
  12. A little disappointed with my Capitol 10K time, I was hoping to place in the top 1000, but my time of 49:18 put me in place 1223, so I did not make it. I was ok with my effort level though.
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