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Everything posted by pantone159

  1. If you boil it and then let cool, does it stay cloudy, or some solids settle, or does it turn clear? If air bubbles I would expect it turns clear then look and smell fine.
  2. Bahia Honda State Park is really pretty. I think you can rent sea kayaks there, which looks like it would be awesome. It was too crowded when I was there though so there were no kayaks available for me.
  3. It is the highpoint of South Dakota, not just the Black Hills. It was named Harney Peak when I went up it just over 20 years ago. Check out Custer State Park, there are several hiking trails, or you can just drive the park loops and look for prairie dogs. The Centennial Trail, which passes through this area, uses a longhorn symbol as a trail marker, for some good karma. Devils Tower is not far away, and cool to see.
  4. I don't think there is really that much being liquidated. Melvin is dumping assets one way or another, but they only have to do that because of their reckless bet. Everybody else can sit and watch with amusement. Melvin may be selling a few $billion, but that is chump change in the overall scheme of things.
  5. Isn't converting debt exactly the same as issuing more shares?
  6. Ben White/Manchaca seems popular.
  7. The most surprising to me, was that 74+ million people just voted to re-elect him. I really cannot wrap my brain around that. I did not realize the depth of the narcissism. There was obviously a lot, but I did not really expect it would be 100.000000% total. I hoped at least, that somewhere along the way, he would let somebody else do something sensible, and just take all the credit. But it had to be absolutely, totally, entirely about him, so nope. Not much else was really surprising. The Capitol riot went further than I expected, but everybody knew something would happen. Unfortunately, we are not done with DJT. If the Senate does not vote to bar him from office, and if he decides to run/grift again, he will still win the R nomination easily. I will rest much easier now that he no longer has control of the government, but like a shambolic zombie, I expect him to try and come back.
  8. I heard that she fucked around and is now finding out.
  9. Uh, no, its Eastern STANDARD Time which is indeed 11 am Austin TX time tomorrow.
  10. 11.5 damnit, I'm not giving him any extra hour.
  11. DJTPOTUS gone at 11 am CST = just under 12 hours from now. All others have the same time until he gone, but their time of day clock may state different when he GTFO.
  12. Gotcha, so we missed it at 19, but the count is now 13 (in a minute)...
  13. How do you get 19? The new POTUS happens at 11 am CT which is 14 hours from about 40 minutes ago.
  14. And be careful about wishing that this topic will go away. The gods may decide to punish you. And they probably already have decided to, since this is not going away One thousand years from now, there will be stories written about Donald Trump. This is now our burden to bear.
  15. It doesn't count until he is no longer POTUS. So 11 am CST is when the celebration starts.
  16. Here is an Alabama one that Bama Chick missed, before the hour runs out...
  17. Many in Keller’s circles also knew that he appeared to have turned his life around in recent years, starting work as a real estate agent in Colorado Springs
  18. Brandon Burden, the pastor at KingdomLife in Frisco, who is also a member of the Frisco Conservative Coalition and a realtor
  19. Yeah, didn't he just lose a daughter? I'd give plenty of slack in this case.
  20. This. And likely Putin behind him somewhere. Somebody is doing the work of organizing all this, and it ain't DJT.
  21. Yes, and these congressmen that probably abetted the attempted coup are the same ones that some posters here think cannot possibly try and shoot somebody. I'm sure they would prefer the direct blood be on somebody elses hands, but they have ALREADY conspired in an attempted murder of congressmen that left people dead. When somebody shows you who they are, believe them.
  22. I did read something about MAGA people being assholes on the flight in, and some airlines, I think Alaska Airlines in particular, asked to put some people on the no-fly. Those are the ones who have ALREADY interfered with aviation, so they especially have no reason to complain. But complain they will of course.
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