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Everything posted by harpercollins

  1. Wow. This is the Adam Flagler show. We have nothing else.
  2. Didn’t get a pic but this was super tasty—will be a good weeknight meal. I added leftover sautéed mushrooms and crumbled some bacon from burgers last night which made it a touch too salty to also add some parmigiana at the end like I had intended. Next I will switch to low sodium broth and add some parm. https://joythebaker.com/2022/02/one-pot-marry-me-chicken/
  3. Have coaching staffs always matched head to toe like this? I really hate the prison garb look Baylor coaches are rocking tonight. Also really hate our start to the second half.
  4. This absolutely sucks for McCullar, but I watched the tape, and Dixon was not on the court at the time of the collision. McCullar stepped back close to the bench when transitioning to defense. Hugely unfortunate.
  5. Not by a long shot. That’s Kansas. They even travel better than y’all.
  6. Scored free fifth row tix at the last minute! Flagler can’t miss. Losing JTT means I can cancel Nola reservations though.
  7. Oh man. Grief does make you crazy. I’m so sorry.
  8. More like delusional narcissist shit they say/do. Get her to church.
  9. I did this. It was called Creekview realty. It wasn’t a software, it was just me paying someone $600 to put my FSBO on the mls.
  10. I’ve been reading this thread for a loooooong time and this might be the best/worst post I’ve ever read.
  11. I don’t think either, necessarily, just kind of succinct and matter of fact.
  12. Ohhhh I missed the /s tag. Got it now. I’m really unobservant! I’ve never noticed that.
  13. Always good to get a win against wvu, but especially noteworthy without cryer and Flagler tonight.
  14. NSIAP, from Texas Monthly Richard Justice on Why Does UT’s $34 Million Head Coach Need a “Special Assistant”? Ex-TCU coach Gary Patterson's move to Austin is a script only the deep-pocketed and dysfunctional Longhorns could write.
  15. I mean obviously not tonight. But generally speaking, he’s my favorite raider on a team I like in every game but two.
  16. I didn’t turn it on until 2 minutes left in regulation. Had no idea. Shannon is my favorite (I call him my cousin because that’s my moms maiden name).
  17. I don’t really mean pissed at the team. Just pissed. They’re kids that played their hearts out.
  18. Because Shannon probably lost the game on two objectively terrible shots?
  19. Man. You’re a better man than I. If I was a tech fan I’d be crazy pissed and disappointed.
  20. Terrible shot. He had plenty of time to get a good look.
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