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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Lurch

  1. Queer is an amazing example of reclaiming. The conversation to add Q to LGBT within HRC nomenclature was highly emotional precisely because queer was a slur for most of the leadership, but the young people have taken it back in less than a generation or two. It has been so successful the term is now available to allies to use as well. It can still be a slur but it’s fast becoming anything but that. Fascinating to me. 

    What has been the conversation around LGBTQIA2S+, because I gotta tell you as an ally it’s becoming a bit difficult to store in memory
    • Haha 1
  2. Part of me wants them to do this so FAFO can fully kick in for elections to run lopsided for a while. Feels like it’s needed for any real course correction to occur

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  3. So is this stuff that will likely be incorporated into what the PGA Tour looks like now or these were things that Al-Rumayyan wanted in the deal at one point? If it's the latter, I can't see myself following golf very much once it goes down that path. I love the game and will continue to play it but fuck watching shit that may or may not include flash mobs on tee boxes.

    It looks like the PIFs proposal to PGAT, as it is totally one sided. I doubt the current arrangement looks anything like this
  4. 1 hour ago, Doc Daneeka said:

    Now that I’ve met my first goal, my next goal(s) are more about body composition than weight, per se. That leads to issues for which I don’t really have a good answer and, in any case, probably don’t have a universal answer, anyway. 

    Basically, I want to get rid of as much of the jiggly bits as feasible and add some muscle. Adding the muscle — or at least the process — is relatively straightforward… progressive overload, time under tension, blah, blah. The less straightforward part is what a realistic goal is for the jiggly bits for a relatively old man. 

    I’m not at all interested in trying to look like a fitness model or jacking around with staying at 10% body fat. I’m very interested in Tex-Mex, Shiner Bock, and the occasional banana split. I’m wondering what realistic expectations would be for reducing (and generally maintaining the reduction) body fat, in general, and around the waist, in particular, for someone who will be able to make penalty-free IRA withdrawals later this year. 

    At this point, the most realistic approach I’ve come up with is to target a relatively low rate of loss (.4 - .5 pound a week, let’s say) and vaguely ignore the scale other than as an indicator that my intake is in the right ballpark. Keep it up for a while (4+ months) while focusing on progressing with lifting. See if the unwanted fat is budging. Re-evaluate, hoping for progress but grasping that maybe the cruelty of time just means I’m limited in what I can achieve with the sacrifices I’m willing to make, and go from there. 


    Have you considered the traditional route of bulking then cutting?  The answer may not be so much of losing fat from where you're at, but rather building so much muscle that it's visibility is diluted.  Are you really at 10%?  Because, if so, HOLY SHIT MAN!  I'd say you'd be an excellent candidate for a bulking regime, wherein you'd actually be consuming ample excess calories to really build, knowing that later you can come back and target fat gained from it.  For me, this is my goal.  I want to get lean enough that such a program is justified.

  5. Counterpoint: So is most of the "Trump is going to get away with it again" hand-wringing.
    Because -- as people more intelligent than I have pointed out many times -- there is no "again" here; Trump has never faced federal criminal charges before, and they're a very different kind of beast from the state civil suits he's used to in the past.
    On top of that, Smith has been very good about having all his ducks lined up for this; this is typical for federal charges, but Smith has gone above and beyond even those usual standards.
    Trump is turbofucked.

    I agree he’s fucked, but “turbo” is simply not in the cards here. Note that Palmer Report is a known click baiter and there is literally no substance behind his assertions. He thinks Smith has some strategy to speed things up through the well known trial accelerators of *checks notes* appeals and adding charges?!? Get the fuck outta here with that bs

    The idea that you can just be a complete asshole to people and not suffer any repercussions is going to be a short lived thing in the end.

    But you might become POTUS along the way, so…?
  7. Reminder of Rory’s position last summer

    I’ve not seen or heard anything from him that match your characterization. That he would meet with PIF and that he was pissed not to be involved in the negotiations seems reasonable to me.

    And fuck yeah he’s all about the money. “Play better” is *his* quote to the golfers that want more
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I saw that graph but I don't understand well enough what it is actually measuring - can anyone explain for the normies in the back of the fediverse?

    Cloudflare’s services sit between most consumer and host traffic on the web and as a result have deep visibility into utilization. One of their public reports is which domains are most popular.

    Twitter is currently #37th, having been #32nd just 6 months ago


    I’m not sure it’s all that compelling of a datapoint without understanding what’s happening with the other domains on the list in its orbit.

    But, it’s a nice graph for dunking, so carry on
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  9. Not sure it goes here, but vanky got dismissed from James' civil fraud suit.  All of the actions complained of occurred prior to limitations.
    Part of that appeal apparently was some clarity on the continuing tort or wrong theory.  Which means, in some cases, limitations "views" each continuing wrongful act as a new "tort" and in other cases runs from the initial wrongful act and ignores continuing wrongs.  The court of appeals adopted the latter theory, which could bode ill for other claims in the case.

    I’m pretty sure you made up many of these “words”
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  10. The place was a better discussion forum before tweet embedding was introduced. 
    If you want to take another angle to it though, according to the observations of many here and elsewhere, twitter has been turned into a hot bed of misinformation, racism, white nationalism, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. All the bad shit. So why do we continue to allows embeds from that hellsite?

    1) obviously not ALL (or even most )content is objectionable .
    2) the objectionable content is often of interest to the discussion, particularly here on a thread about how out of hand it is becoming

    Perhaps the change in discord didn’t occur because of embeds but rather because the state of politics has dramatically changed?
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