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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Lurch

  1. Nope my criticism was spot on and your inability to see it is what is flawed. Example one of hundreds is the stupid singing good bye on the practice field to the Sound of Music. The show has nice poignant moments like Ted struggling over his son, followed by completely dumb moments like that. 

    Did this show start off fairly realistic?
    But what drives me insane is when a show starts off fairly realistic and then devolves into really dumb and unrealistic plot actions.  

    Lolwat?!?!? Just say the very premise of the show out loud to yourself. We’ll wait
  3. Chuck ribs are often sold separated and then cut in half. I’ve not tried smoking them when they’ve been prepped like that, but my guess is they’d cook too quickly for the smoke to set in.

    In my Publix, I have to hunt down the butcher and ask for an uncut plate if he has any

  4. Don’t sell the back ribs short, imo. They’re cheap and still smoke up nicely.

    Chuck short ribs are what I mostly do. A plate is usually 3 or 4 ribs and in the $30-40 range. Back ribs are maybe half as much cost for a rack of 7 or so ribs that has roughly a similar amount of meat overall

    Those Dino ribs are probably $75-100 I’m guessing? Maybe 20% more meat than the Chuck plate, but superior quality.

  5. Hahahaha... you poor naive thing.
    lemme put it this way... after summer practices, the band members were limping more than the football team was

    I say this as a four year marching band nerd in HS… dear god stop saying this (I’m presuming you’ve used this line in the real world many times too). It’s not the badge of honor you seem to think it is
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. I have one major, major beef with the affirmative action ruling.
    It happened one year too late.
    The NYTimes had a guest op-ed piece that absolutely nailed it for me:
    I Teach at an Elite College. Here’s a Look Inside the Racial Gaming of Admissions. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/29/opinion/college-admissions-affirmative-action.html?smid=nytcore-android-share
    In short, Chinese people, who are hardly a favored race in the USA, were more discriminated against than any single race in affirmative action. And my son, who is half Chinese and has a Chinese surname, found himself locked out of every school he applied to, despite having a weighted gpa of 4.4, a couple swimming world records, and a state championship in marching band (of all things).
    The solution is, and always has been, to provide affirmative action based on economic background, not race. This piece was just the start, but the Times' op-ed board has weighed heavily in that direction since. And they're absolutely right.

    Terribly sorry your amazing, talented kid has an incredible life ahead of him in the lower half of the top .1%. Fight the power
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. One of the talking heads said shortly after the charges were posted that the govt likely had a larger selection of docs to choose from and only made charges with the ones in the sweet spot of 1) sufficiently damning and 2) capable of being at least somewhat exposed to the defendant, lawyers and jury. #1 would exclude something trivial like a daily travel schedule and #2 would exclude something like foreign agent identifiers

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. I think the standard open size would be 16-20k pre, but obviously 24k is fine too. SB should prob have raised or folded pre.

    I’m going to raise his donk bet. It’s typically either a draw or him saying you shouldn’t have caught that flop, so raising makes him pay to chase and reestablishes your range as strong going into the turn.

    Check check on turn prob happens regardless of our line on flop.

    Played my line, I probably have to fold river thinking he only stayed in with flush draw or spiked the King for two pair

    As played, I like your call.

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  9. I actually buy the story that he didn’t really have the doc in hand.  It was too convenient for him to just happen to have on hand for that discussion.  You know it absolutely killed him to have to admit he was bullshitting to his cult, though

  10. More oil change random thoughts. Bought supplies from Walmart. It was $22 for a five-quart bottle of name brand full synthetic and $6 for a single quart.
    I also had a brain fart, put a gasket back in the wrong place and caused a big leak. Luckily, it was caught quickly... but I needed another quart to replace what was lost and to top it off. So I head to Advanced where I could also drop off the old oil for recycling. Pick up another quart... and it's $12. 
    Advanced used to be my spot to get oil change stuff and I switched to Walmart a few years back because they were somewhat cheaper. Now they are half the cost of Advanced. WTF?

    Loss leader probably. The rest of that aisle is likely very high margin for WM standards
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