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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Lurch

  1. You just turn off the tweet embed function. It's maybe at least a few clicks I would guess. If you assessed the disinformation and misinformation content of posts across this board, I'd wager a lot of money that there is a significant correlation between disinfo content and posts with embedded tweets. 

    What if someone just posted the url to the tweet and pasted the text, as is often done here? Or if they screen cap and past the image, also done frequently? What has been accomplished?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. There's no way the lawyers could have prepared a legal complaint like that in just a couple of days. Elon's been stressed about money for months and this is just part of it.

    Really? It looks pretty boilerplate to me
  3. I’ve always been anti Twitter. Algorithm driven social media is literally destroying our social fabric. But I guess we can just start a thread to talk about which brain damaging social media app owned by a narcissistic billionaire we are migrating to and feel better about it all. It’s about increasing awareness apparently. 

    So in your preferred universe, how does this go down exactly? We talk about Twitter, but never share content from it even if germane to the conversation? Can we link to other websites? Can we quote todays newspaper or repeat what we heard on the radio? Does this site even exist, or do we just discuss current events at the local Wednesday night service over potluck dinner?
  4. I'm seeing plenty of news organizations and journalists in my searches.

    Yeah, same. I’m not really following what he’s trying to accomplish here. Is there going to be some effort to restrict their posts? Or just exempt them from amplification? I guess we’ll all learn together when one of them points out specifically how this is impacting them
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Just a reminder that the 3rd party vote went from 5.6% in 2016 to 1.85% in 2020. 

    Yet NoLabels is making serious progress in getting on ballots and will likely post a “compelling” ticket for those not excited about Biden. It’s a legit concern imo
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.

    But seriously, that is a valid approach. Although it can also be done on IG. I just get tired of interacting. In fact, since returning to IG after a break, I have turned off comments on my posts. I don’t need to see the fire emoji. Since photography is not my career, nor do I want it to be, at a base level I don’t really care if I am growing a following. It’s nice and feels good to be appreciated, but not needed.

    I guess my issue is, I used Twitter for news and I used IG for photography (and following other photogs and artists). But since Threads is woven together with IG, it feels like I am compelled to follow everyone that was on my IG. When in reality, if I want it to be a substitute for Twitter, I would only follow a handful of news accounts and some UT related accounts. I am sure others are struggling with this as well.

    Create an alt (but connected) IG account in IG, then use the alt for threads
  7. That's like Tesla complaining about Ford stealing the idea of having a bunch of car dealerships nationwide.

    Totally, but discovery can be a bitch even if the initial claim is spurious. All it takes is one of those former Twitter employees with a poorly worded or even sarcastic/joke internal email saying “we did it like this over at Twitter” for everything to go sideways
  8. I have a hard time understanding what they contend the "secret" is though.
    If it's something that happens under the hood, how would Twitter know that Meta is using it? And if they don't know how Threads works then they would be filling a frivolous lawsuit.
    On the flipside, if it's not something that happens under the hood then how can it be secret? Isn't Threads just a better version of Truth Social?

    It’s just teeing up discovery

    I’d guess the IP they are concerned about is algorithms and scaling,the two obvious places other competitors struggled
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