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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. This has probably been my most difficult lineup prep ever. Good luck all
  2. Of course there is. The system is broken because it was designed to be broken.
  3. Nonsense. Growing population helps all classes of Americans, as described above. And they should be given citizenship, in which case they ARE then the working class Americans you’re suddenly concerned about.
  4. Great! We need them. They’ll fill jobs, pay taxes, be consumers of our small businesses, and raise children that will continue the cycle. It’s disingenuous to just look at (initial) costs and not consider the entire offering. But you know this.
  5. At some point it was no longer possible to request your password or create a new account
  6. Fuck. First they mastered comedy and now they’re perfecting dance routines. Doomed
  7. Most Favored Nation clause. You don’t have to spoil an NDA, the selling party is simply obligated to reduce your price as needed to remain compliant.
  8. Pretty good odds Nike just set up a meeting after yesterday’s show
  9. This is when I said “fuck it, he’s done” and went to sleep
  10. Realistically, if there were such a spot the pros and locals would ruin it. Instead, I’d look to where the whales are highest density, which is likely Wynn, and plan to play tight. Aria, Bellagio, and Venetian will have plenty of games, but they’re going to be pretty tough, generally since it’s offseason for tourists. I played MGM in Feb just to mix it up, but it’s pretty low frill and small ball.
  11. Keep in mind some of those aren’t so much symptoms of the virus, but rather symptoms of an immune system firing up. I would guess degree of exposure and prior familiarity somewhat drives how insane our immune systems get in responding.
  12. The spread is limited if you wear the mask when you walk in, visit the restroom, wait for food/drink, wait for check, and walk out. Yes, it will make a difference during those periods of time (thus my 10% estimate)
  13. 10% effective preventative measure is still better than 0%, particularly in aggregate if everyone would abide by those guidelines. We’re not aiming for perfection here, as it’s clearly not attainable, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bother trying at all. Bathroom in particular is a place in a restaurant I’d want everyone masked up because of the small space/poor ventilation aspect. Viral Load is also a consideration, wherein having at least some of an infected persons coughs/shedding occurring behind a mask could reduce exposure risks to those in those areas **at those specific times** (waitstaff, passerby’s) Besides…. Why not? Is wearing a mask really that big of a deal at this point, even if it’s only slightly effective? It’s such a MINOR inconvenience, especially given the circumstances and risk/reward calculation.
  14. If it helps those that previously were blind to the issue to suddenly see how it impacts them as well, then it would appear two wrongs can indeed make a right in this scenario. See also Newsomes gun law suggestion.
  15. What’s the conflicting signal? Mask up when reasonable to reduce potential for transmission while doing so. It’s pretty basic stuff.
  16. It’s not like Gameshow Network was going to pay for itself
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