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Everything posted by LebongJames

  1. I have 4 of the hoodies: work from home. They are great.
  2. It looks good in certain trims. The shadow line package blacks it all out.
  3. Our guy is about 85-90. But his mom is a Bernie and his dad is a gigantic standard poodle.
  4. Dusty is going to fuck around and not play Mancini and Christian. That was two perfect pitch hit ABs.
  5. I would not call that a massive brawl.
  6. Today we had to say goodbye to the best dog I’ve ever known. I loved her more than probably I did myself in my early 20s. She was a 14 year old bad ass. I know it was time and the end wasn’t fun but I can’t believe how much today hurt. She is now with her sister. I know she is floating the River eating ice cream. We came to Port A for one last trip and she decided this was her final resting place. She loved it here.
  7. Those are definitely the cans from high school. Bud Select didn’t come out until college.
  8. Cole and Verlander where both highly speculated trade targets for the Astros. I remember Greinke being talked about as well. They just have not made a trade for a real bat since Beltran in 04. In 2019 I can’t remember if there were rumors about Machete or that we just needed a catcher and that is who we ended up with.
  9. Rosenthal is saying that Bell is a priority for the Astros and looking to add a catcher. Passan, I know fuck that guy, is saying we are looking at Contreras but potentially moving him out of the catcher role full time. They don’t think he can mesh with pitching staff quickly.
  10. If Brantley is pretty hurt what about Ian Happ? Batting .280 this year and has an OPS over .800. I don’t know anything about his defense.
  11. Nasty ass dog. Why the hell is the dog shitting in their bed?
  12. Haha no problem, he just cracks me up. He thinks he is a lap dog.
  13. Dude is sitting on the top corner of the sectional like he is a cat or 15lb dog. He is 1 and between 90-100 lbs
  14. They are both way off. The LA house would probably be closer to a $1 Million.
  15. Oaks is nice but I would never pay for Canyons.
  16. I’d do it for a few hundred with drinks and dinner. Eat at Parkside go have some drinks at a few different bars. Not really that hard and it wouldn’t feel that much different than any tourist area. Some of y’all really overestimate how bad dirty 6th is.
  17. Just so everyone is ready it’s about to be completely different. Stream Realty owns a ton of property between Brazos and 35. They are going to redevelop it. https://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2022/05/stream-realty-reveals-plans-for-reinventing-dirty-sixth/
  18. 6th was great in the early and mid 2000s. Was down there multiple days a week and never had an issue and neither did any of the people we knew. The streets were most definitely not covered in puke. Very few fights. Never saw a murder let alone a stabbing or shooting. I lived on Red River and 9th from 2010-2012 and my sister and her husband lived on 4th. We would walk back and forth to each other’s apartments all the time. You must have been a blast in college.
  19. I really hope they are just trying to rest him for two weeks.
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