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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Could have hired the full SNL cast for a couple weeks prep. 😊
  2. I can’t imagine Bloomberg getting out after spending half a billion on ads. He’ll probably spend some of that money on the best debate coach in the US.
  3. Bloomberg should have known those questions were coming. Surprised he wasn’t better prepared.
  4. When I watch Liz all I think about is Kate McKinnon.
  5. God, he’s just a pathetic piece of shit.
  6. I like Pete, Bloomberg, Klobuchar and Kamala.
  7. I don’t understand the love for Bernie. His policies would never pass in Congress outside of also being way too expensive. He’s not a true Democrat. His health is in bad shape. And he’ll probably lose in a landslide by the time Trump gets everyone scared to death that he’ll ruin the country because he’s a socialist. But, if Democrats feel like it’s “Bernie’s turn” can we just get this over with?
  8. Well smarty pants I was trying not to give the story away. But since you asked: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Solo a good story and extremely well produced. Toward the end, edge of your seat. Climbing El Capitan without a rope. Check it out!!!
  9. I watched it last night and thought it was great. It's one of those kind of movies that you think about more and more and with each thought realize how good it really is. Hard to say if it's best picture but I wouldn't argue about it. With how movies are being made today it's hard to find a clear Best Picture. They're not big pictures like Dances With Wolves, The English Patient, Out of Africa, The Last Emperor, Lawrence of Arabia. Kind of disappointing.
  10. Brandywine

    SNL 45

    Chloe Fineman’s take on the Oscars on the weekend update was pretty great. She’s so cute, talented and funny. I will say that the last few years the cast as been great overall. Chloe’s a newbie.
  11. I think I saw where Apple has it for $3.99 rent.
  12. All in on Bloomberg. Kamala Harris for VP.
  13. Yep. And he would probably give whoever did it, it wouldn’t be him, a Medal of Freedom and a pardon. And Mitch would smile.
  14. Trump is a very dangerous man, with a whole slew of powerful people in the government supporting him. I remember when the Reps feared Obama taking charge of the military and taking over our country. Of course that was ridiculous and fear mongering to get their followers scared. This thing under Trump? That scenario seems real. And very scary. The man has serious mental issues. And so does his children especially Jr.
  15. Free Solo! Last years Oscar for documentary.
  16. Yes, all Presidents lie at some point often not knowing they are. They may lie because of the information put before them or they’re tired from long days of campaigning. But the present President has made it a career. He lies and in the next sentence he lies to cover up the lie he just said. His whole life has been a manipulative lie to benefit himself and to get his ass out of trouble.
  17. I refuse to watch him talk. He’s a classless piece of work that cares only about himself.
  18. I love how they twist and turn things around to sound credible. Lawyers.
  19. Trump has his finger on 2 things that scare the living shit out of Republicans. Nuclear button and Twitter.
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