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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. He should be fired for saying that! Failure as a coach. If I didn’t know better, Shaka wants to get fired.
  2. Damn it was good. One of the best series I’ve ever seen. Both years. I really enjoyed this year and I guess I’d have to rewatch The Young Pope to compare, but this year was good.
  3. Don’t care anymore. What happened to the team that played the last four games?
  4. Shaka started feeling nervous. He was looking forward to the buyout. Winning would have screwed that up.
  5. So are you part of the A Trump for Life movement?
  6. There are some real dumb people in this country.
  7. The movie looks like heavy CGI. Bet those guys were all shot on a sound stage and nowhere near water. But, yeah, I’ll see it.
  8. Trump forgets what he says too, or it’s on purpose.
  9. Yep, I had this marked on my calendar and could not wait. This is a gut punch. It does make you wonder if there are other problems. But - if I’m not mistaken they’ve been releasing the Bond films later in the year, like early November. April was actually a surprise. But, the whole thing has been full of delays. From script, director, soundtrack, whether Craig was going to be in it, etc.
  10. Everything in his life is a TV reality show. It’s all entertainment. That’s the problem. That’s what his people want as their President. To hell if he can actually understand or grasp the complexities of the job. Who cares? Does he make me laugh, is the question.
  11. Agree. They should have been treated like they treated those they murdered in the concentration camps. Starved, living with lice and working until they dropped, in 10 degree weather with no clothes. Then . . .
  12. Ted talks like someone who’s got the hots for her.
  13. Trump and his son junior are new lows in the human race.
  14. Stepford Wives Never Say Never Again (remake of Thunderball)
  15. He is so over his head with this thing. All he knows how to do his run for President. Beyond that he’s blowing smoke trying to sound and act like he knows what he’s doing.
  16. I think both are in the same boat. Neither one should come within 3000 miles of being on a ballot. Because of the acceptance of a single party for someone as stupid, dumb and totally unqualified as Palin, the country has Trump.
  17. I stopped watching. What a disaster. Totally out of control, I got tired of them talking and yelling over each other. Nothing new here.
  18. Isn’t it a Jordan Peele series? He normally goes beyond the normal into the bizarre and strange. And it’s usually well done and creative.
  19. I love this show but it can be so strange. Part of the appeal.
  20. Some may find this remake into a series not to their liking, especially compared to the classic original John Cusack/Jack Black version, but I loved it. And I’m a big fan of the movie. Zoe Kravitz playing the Cusack character is gorgeous, and a good actress. It’s hard not to fall in love with her, she’s beautiful. Interesting, her mother was in the movie version. Story pretty much carries over the movie except expanding the story. The drama, record store, heart breaking breakups, top fives, drinking, smoking, wishing the characters would grow up, and a good soundtrack are all there. And Brooklyn is another character. I binged it and will watch it again.
  21. Could have hired the full SNL cast for a couple weeks prep. 😊
  22. I can’t imagine Bloomberg getting out after spending half a billion on ads. He’ll probably spend some of that money on the best debate coach in the US.
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