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Everything posted by Brandywine

  1. Next Dem Prez should call Russia and ask them to investigate Don Jr and his father.
  2. “Of all the dictators in the world we get the dumb one.” 😖
  3. I just saw this MW. I agree. It will start at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon.
  4. Wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets Barr's approval (or tells him this is what he's going to do while Barr is bowing down to him kissing his ring) to have Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, and whoever he hates or wants to get revenge on, arrested and put in jail for trial. And the Republicans will be laughing and agreeing with him.
  5. Very true. The President will boast he was found innocent and that the Dems never could prove he did anything wrong. He will say a 1,000 lies supported by his legion of followers and zombies.
  6. Alexander is a piece of shit. Truthfully I’m glad it’s almost over. Dems did the best they could considering all the roadblocks the soulless President and Republicans put in front of them.
  7. You may be right as long as Republicans are the only ones that vote. These people that don’t vote because “I don’t like who’s running”, “My vote doesn’t matter in this state and I’ll start voting when the Dems get competitive” crap will only keep the Republicans in charge from now on, and the Supreme Court conservative for years. It also opens the door to candidates like Trump running. The Reps played the long game and won. It’s disheartening because this economy the country is enjoying is the Obama economy. The Trump policies like deregulation and massive tax cuts will blow up at some point. Maybe it’s only right that he’s in power when it does instead of a Democrat having to clean it up again and taking the blame from Republicans.
  8. No way Trump read any of it. At best it was a half page outline of high points. The guy doesn’t read.
  9. A part of me would just like this whole thing to be over. Everyone knows Trump and his group are crooks and liars. The fact that so many people don’t care about it bothers the hell out of me. But it won’t change one thing. And people have a short attention span. Trump has been getting away with so much for so long that the public have become numb and zombies.
  10. Susan Collins is a Republican plant. Her role is to give the Dems some hope and then pull the rug from under them.
  11. Schiff did a masterful job. Republicans are scared idiots. No Profiles in Courage in that group. I hope it all comes back at them.
  12. I watched it last night. That mercury scene was freaky! Wasn’t expecting that. The whole show included everything and kitchen sink. Little overload, I don’t see how it’ll keep up.
  13. Now tell me again, when does this guy actually do the job he’s in? Seems like all he does all day is tweet.
  14. I hope CDC has a long list of candidates to replace Shaka.
  15. The rest of the season is going to be ugly.
  16. It boggles the mind how low Republicans have sunk under this President. They’ve lost their moral compass. And they call themselves Christians. It’s all about money.
  17. So are we going to get an hour long explanation why she’s not voting for witnesses? She’s so 2 faced. I really hope she loses big in her re-election.
  18. This will be AFTER he goes to church, right?
  19. So Donald didn't read the EVIDENCE AND SEE THE CRIME HE COMMITTED, OR READ HIS OWN TRANSCRIPTS, WHICH STATED THE CRIME AND EVIDENCE, AND FORGOT THE PRESSURE HE PUT THE WITNESSES THAT WERE CALLED TO NOT TESTIFY or the PRESSURE ON THE UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT. So where is the Witch Hunt he talks about? Don lives in a totally different universe that he is trying to make us and himself, and all his believers, believe exists. Please leave! And to answer 4th&Five's question. YES, probably several daily. I know I'm having several daily because of him.
  20. And so now the corrupt RNC and the Trump family are forcing Donald down our throats.
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