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Everything posted by Woland

  1. Or until the upcoming civil war.
  2. Putting Christ back in Christmas!
  3. He looks terrible. Eventually he won’t be able to wriggle out of being too decrepit.
  4. Think this will knock Hunter Biden off the front page?
  5. Same people saying this will also tell you that the libs are full of hate.
  6. I believe MALDEF has already filed suit.
  7. Mirror. Watching it again tomorrow.
  8. Trump should get as much respect at his death as he gave to the living while he was alive.
  9. There could easily be a dozen Abbotts in that debate.
  10. Local Raytheon employees organizing a protest against mandated vaccines. Why do people who scream the loudest about freedom understand it the least?
  11. We have never had a shared ethic. We tried to make one, but things like Indian boarding schools were not successful.
  12. This whole pandemic has been every man for himself and take advantage of every opportunity. I was offered a Moderna booster and I took it.
  13. What were the dipshits saying when Michelle Obama was pushing for healthier school lunches?
  14. I label some conservatives as pro-abortion since they pursue policies that run counter to actually reducing abortion.
  15. At some point it has to collapse. Doesn’t it?
  16. They were told by their superiors to not use the more forceful measures at their disposal.
  17. Local freedom fighters now posting a request for funds to help out a freedom loving family who have both come down with COVID.
  18. Claiming discrimination is always a good touch. I bet he posts memes about defending the Constitution though he probably has never read it.
  19. Unfortunately, this mentality is neither new or unique. End-of-days cults have been prominent in Russia for centuries.
  20. Same people will argue that the vaccine is too dangerous because 1 in a million had a dangerous reaction.
  21. The approval was rushed! Don't trust it!
  22. I point out to these people that If 100% of the population is vaccinated, then 100% of COVID patients will be vaccinated.
  23. I read this article tonight and found it interesting how another country is having to deal with difficult questions about its culture, in this case, children’s literature. https://russianlife.com/magazine/july-august-2021/cheburashka-in-the-fog/
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