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Everything posted by Woland

  1. Whatever happens to us, I want him to live a long life alone with his cowardice.
  2. Whatever it is named, my wish is that it quickly disappears to page 2.
  3. Chicken Tagine with Olives and Preserved Lemon
  4. It’s all about persona and nothing about results or consequences.
  5. This is a worthy conspiracy theory. Too bad libs are too sane.
  6. Why take the picture with the tree if Dotard is just going to park his fat ass in front?
  7. A while back that picture of Lepa was circulating around the internet, but she was labelled as a fighter against socialism.
  8. “Happy Holidays” from your favorite president!
  9. Are we certain they are smart enough to pull off a resignation/pardon without screwing it up?
  10. Time for Luther to set up a GoFundMe account to raise money to contest the election.
  11. Incorporate infused vodka. Experiment with jalapenos, pecans, tunas, etc.
  12. Vote if you can. Drew Springer vs Shelley Luther. I never thought I would be motivated to vote for Drew Springer, yet here we are.
  13. Всё под нашим контролем
  14. Or he has been paid off or he is being blackmailed. It’s all out there.
  15. I want to banish the the name "Trump" from my life. I don't want to see it anymore. How about "He Who Must Not Be Named 2024".
  16. mchookem: "the overall increase cannot be denied" someone on-line: "You believe the NYT and the MSM? LOL. And Politifact is funded by Soros. Don't believe anything you haven't seen with your own eyes."
  17. It’s multi-pocketed and multi-practical! (so says Hermes.com)
  18. How soon does he start tweeting the suggestion that the military should intervene?
  19. NYT Reporter Maggie Haberman Unpacks The Trump Years https://www.npr.org/2020/12/10/945039944/nyt-reporter-maggie-haberman-unpacks-the-trump-years
  20. After that, can we expect to see photos of Melania partying in Moscow with Anna Chapman?
  21. After that, can we expect to see photos of Melania partying in Moscow with Anna Chapman?
  22. What if he decides he needs an “emergency” meeting with Putin in the Crimea...around January 10th.
  23. If he is in the air on AF1 at noon, make an emergency landing at the nearest suitable airport, escort him off the plane, and give him cab fare to the nearest bus station.
  24. Paella Saturday Chicken and Mushroom Paella Orange and Pomegranate Salad Melon Wrapped in Jamon Serrano
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