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Posts posted by royiv

  1. 3 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    Mostly typical teenage stupidity (not to excuse it).  Stealing/damaging halloween decorations, smashing pumpkins, etc.  The kind of thing that should probably get them kicked out of their extra curricular activities, grounded, and forced to do some yard work for those they harmed.  But they apparently also rummaged through some vehicles and stole some things.  So that's another matter.  


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Do any big airports not have trains these days?  All the ones I can think of do.

    I can't think of any that don't have a back-up or alternative to get to a concourse. When DIA's train goes down, which has happened several times recently, the airport shuts down. A friend was flying to DIA from Austin recently and the train broke while in-flight. They got diverted to GJT and had to spend the night as a result. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Fat Bastard said:

     Hitting up Joey Uptown on Friday. Anyone been? Pretty sure it’s a Canadian based chain. Perused their menu and looks like everything is overpriced by 20%, but hey, wife wants to “check it out”

    Went there a couple of weeks ago to meet a co-worker that was staying across the street at the JW. It was fine. Nothing to write home about. At that time all of the staff was from their locations in Canada and California. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Storm the Field said:

    Georgia James and Hay Merchant are leaving the corner of Westheimer and Yoakum. GJ is relocating to the apartments/dining complex going up at W Dallas and Dunlavy and Hay Merchant is closing. No word on plans for the building they're in.

    I'm concerned that Chris is trying to do too much too fast. If the initial impression of Georgia James Tavern downtown is any indication of how he's going to handle all these changes and growth, I'm worried about his burgeoning empire.

  5. 13 hours ago, Deej said:

    I remember a few of the guys from The Sportsman from back then. It was still Bailey's Barbershop. The really old guy in on one of the middle chairs was Frost. Jim took over from Bailey when he retired. I think the guy near the window was Mike Ivy.

    One Saturday morning, some dad brought his kid in who had taken scissors to his own hair. One of the other barbers exclaimed, "That looks like one of Frost's cuts."

    Good times.

    There's a reason why it was called getting "Frosted"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Counterpoint: the government should stay out of people’s lives. They should take personal responsibility for their own health and well-being. It’s a massive overreach of the government to force people to do something like that. These are free people.

    Countercounterpoint: people making dumbass decisions for themselves severely taxes already taxed systems. Fine if you want to make dumbass decisions, but don't expect the government to bail you out. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  7. Wife and I saw it last weekend. Had zero expectations for it. It was hot outside, we wanted to see a movie and it was on at a good time at the theater we like. That said, it ended up being a really fun summer movie. Two hours went by quickly, had some laughs and the visuals are pretty cool.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    My kids (elementary school age) reported basically zero mask wearing. This would match meet the teacher when I think I counted 8 or 10 masks total amongst everyone.  Of course, when you pull into the driveway to drop kids off a big sign says "our teachers are armed to protect your children".  I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that nobody will test their kids, so our positives will look really low, and nobody gets seriously ill.  That's my guess as to how it plays out.    Basically what New Doc said.  I can't imagine in our district when kids get the sniffles and a cough their mom and dad going out and having them tested.  

    Last year we went in person September 8, didn't miss a single day, didn't contact trace, didn't have any kids hospitalized or die or basically anything different than any other school year, except for the mask wearing and parents not allowed on campus. I hope we can say the same at the end of this year.

    Good luck to everyone this school year.  The thing that's given me the greatest comfort (besides being vaccinated) is that this thing just hasn't been a big deal to kids at all.  I pray it stays that way and all yours stay safe. 

    Alpha variant and Delta variant are very different. Go down to the Medical Center and see the number of kids hospitalized for COVID and get back to us with if you still think it's not a big deal for kids.

    • Rage+1 1
  9. 15 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    It’s been 5 days and my daily test is negative so I should be clear.

    This is why unvaccinated people shouldn’t be out in public. It ruins lives for those who are being good citizens  


    But a bunch of unvaccinated a-holes from TX want to go to NYC for a baseball game because “Muh rights!” Idiots one and all, including those who enable them. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Chopper said:

    That and if he were an aussie why is his body going on a flight to the US. Wrong direction and that airplane didn't look like an island hopper. 

    It was going interisland to Honolulu. It was a Boeing 717. I wouldn't suggest trying to fly one to the mainland unless the cabin is full of fuel.

    • Haha 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Macanudo said:

    He's safe.   Kingwood loves his, and Trump's, bullshit.

    While that’s true, his current district has some verrry blue areas. I could see a super Trumpy republican primarying him and then that candidate getting beaten in the general based on central Houston turnout. His best bet may be redistricting where the Rs decide to cede Montrose and other parts of central Houston to the Ds and shore up their Kingwood stronghold.

  12. 1 hour ago, Smax said:

    I liked MF but last time I was there prior to covid, we had an issue with service/bill and then management was lazy about resolving the issue. They tried charging us for 2 bottles of champagne we did not order, never mind our bill was already $5,000 they insisted on charging us for 1 of the 2. Ill never go back after that

    Sucks to hear that. The service at MF for us has always been incredible. That said, we always have the same guy wait on us so we’ve formed a relationship with him over the last few years.

  13. 1 hour ago, Smax said:

    Want to try them and hidden omakase when I get back to Houston.
    For us its a rotation of Kata, Roka and Shun, they are clearly head and shoulders above any place in terms of fish quality, honorable mention to uchi.

    MF beats all of those that are in your rotation. Had Kata about three weeks ago and it was really disappointing. Wife and I both commented that it will likely be the last time we eat there. Fish quality was on par with a middle market sushi joint while we paid nearly $600 for the meal. It was not worth the price. Really want to try Soto soon.

  14. 6 minutes ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

    Trying that now.  I haven't because I feel like an old and am embarrassed.  I'm 41 and can't get my newfangled techno-car to work.  

    Even worse, Homelink is 25 year old technology.

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