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Posts posted by royiv

  1. The numbers for Brazoria included a big bunch of old test results from TDCJ that had not previously been reported by Brazoria's health department. Some of those are old tests. That said, the rising number of hospitalizations and ICU occupancy in the Med Center is concerning.

  2. Going to a crowded bar where there is potentially an infected individual is the very definition of sustained close contact. The risk level is high as you don't know who in that bar could have the virus. It's not like they're doing a rapid COVID test on all the patrons before they enter. Plus it's summer in TX so the a/c is going full blast spreading droplets around. 

  3. 6 hours ago, SuperSport said:

    Cross-post from the Stupid Wives thread, but she refuses to accept anything other than we're in the market for a Range Rover Sport...probably CPO since I have yet to attain Surly 1% status, but still relatively new.  This will be my first venture into the foreign luxury segment, and "terrified" is a gross understatement.  I don't know much beyond the fact that they're expensive and devoid of any published safety data; anecdotal tales of absurd maintenance costs and shit reliability concern me.  Anyone have some first-hand knowledge they can drop?  On a scale of one to South Austin's mom, how fucked am I?

    My wife has a friend with a RRS that had to have the engine replaced at 60k miles. She got it back right before quarantine after spending 3 months at the dealership.

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  4. 33 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Hard to generalize how people in Dallas or Houston are handling this. Both city areas are the size of small states. I live in Central Houston and see most people wearing masks in the stores. I would assume Cypress is the opposite.

    Was going to say the same thing. Central Houston where I live everyone is wearing masks. Friends that live in Spring Branch or further out bitch that no one is.

  5. 4 hours ago, Zombie said:

    Shit man, I don't know. I'm a dumb lawyer like most posters here. I guess I figured I would figure it out in an emergency. Better than doing nothing. 

    Or what if doing something kills your parents versus doing nothing doesn't kill your parents? Buying secondhand equipment off the internet that you have no idea how to use and attempting to intubate a patient will certainly kill them. Doing "nothing" and offering supportive care certainly doesn't kill them.

  6. 52 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    She was unreal -- and probably not wrong. Peter and Madison will not end up together. She's a goody-goody who writes bible verses on her hand every day. He likes to fuck girls in windmills.

    Probably not wrong, but let your adult son figure that out on his own. His mom has mind fucked her son beyond belief.

  7. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Hannah Ann looks like she has put on about 10 pounds during the season. She's not as hot as she was the first night.

    Don't they just sit around drinking while waiting to go on a date? If you don't have a pretty solid commitment to an exercise regimen, I can see how these girls could pack on some pounds the later they go in the show.

  8. 3 hours ago, RPM said:

    Craig, Daniel Craig.

    I can't help but think they will have some Bond cameos. Please let there be Celebrity Jeopardy with Sean Connery.


    I doubt the writers want to have Sean Connery insulting a man with stage IV pancreatic cancer.

  9. 2 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    You're going to demolish your existing house and start over?   Sorry, there's no fucking that a new build is going to be cheaper than a major remodel.

    It absolutely can be depending on the age of the house and what you want to do. I ran the analysis a few years back when I lived in a house built in 1955. It was cheaper for me to scrape and start over rather than do a major remodel. Not wanting to move out and rebuild, I bought a teardown in the same neighborhood and rebuilt on the new lot.

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