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Paul Wesley

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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. Decided that I wanted to try the Fender "Waylon" phaser, but they're not available yet.
  2. That tweet has about 300 replies, and 298 of those are petty, childish taunts. Good job, Surly.
  3. There was a play in the second half where Texas got a decent gain, went up-tempo and got lined up quickly and were ready to snap the ball, and the ref went up and stood over the ball so Wyoming's substitute D-linemen had time to get on the field and get lined up.... even though Texas had not subbed. I've never seen that.
  4. Yeah, some of the Jumbotron stuff is painfully loud. I guarantee you it would be possible to thoughtfully create content for the Jumbotron that would make the crowd MORE engaged in the game in front of them. Instead, we take our own fucking crowd out of the game and turn them into a hundred thousand passive, Idiocracy-style "Ouch, My Balls" watchers. It's criminally incompetent. Playing Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" after an opposing team's penalty.... ugh. It's a fifty fucking year old song. It isn't clever. It's K-State power-kitty levels of high-school goofiness. Ditto for "Don't Do Me Like That" after a penalty on Texas. Our Jumbotron does for home field advantage what Lowell Galindo does for sports broadcasting.
  5. Campbell wanted to fight a guy for "you're on the hot seat?"
  6. So, you're gonna put in the slow white kid, and then call some designed QB runs?
  7. The FG may or may not have been good. The rule says that the entire ball has to be inside the upright. If it goes over the upright, it's no good.
  8. Iowa State players took the points vs Ohio.
  9. Amen. I would love it if next week the only two ranked Big 12 teams are Texas and OU. And I get to watch Yormark respond to reporters pointing that out.
  10. It's nice when the board functions as intended.
  11. This outrage and these multiple public statements from OU disavowing Briles on the sidelines in a crimson-colored knit polo... after they had NO fucking problem putting a starting running back on the field in an OU jersey after watching the video of him breaking a girl's face.
  12. Crawford played really well. He had a couple solid plays on punt coverage, and a couple nice plays in run support as the Bama RB is trying to get to the edge.
  13. Just a ridiculously good performance. Bama fans are throwing Milroe under the bus, but a less mobile QB gets sacked a LOT more than 5 times.
  14. Just spitballing: Nebraska, Florida State, Miami... smaller alumni bases, and (seemingly) fewer tech bros and oilmen. In a pure suddenly-legal bidding war, even Bama might have a hard time vs Phil Knight's Ducks or big alumni bases like OSU, UT or Michigan. Admittedly, this guess is based on nothing.
  15. Me too. He isn't going to have a lot of games where there's 800 pounds of War Daddies running right at him from the instant he takes the snap.
  16. Reading the last few pages about Milroe: Yeah, he threw two horrible balls, and those = 10 points. But the pressure he was getting RIGHT UP THE MIDDLE was crazy.... Broughton, Murphy, Sorrell, Sweat... If Bama yanked Milroe for someone else, they may have thrown one less pick, but they'd probably also have given up 8 or 9 sacks. I would also point out in Milroe's defense: If you watch his sacks, there's just nowhere for him to go with the ball. Think "Colt McCoy v Nebraska in CCG." Same thing. Changing QB wasn't going to fix our offensive problems in that game, and it wasn't going to fix Bama's last night. I do agree that their offense isn't optimized for Milroe's skill set. He would be a nightmare to defend if their base running play was to read the backside DE (a la 2005 Texas).
  17. Agreed But pretty much they need everything to go right to win at this point
  18. If Ewers keeps that, it's another first down
  19. Bama had 33 yards passing before that final drive... and that number included two very tough catches in traffic. I like our chances
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