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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. Have you been to Manhattan? She's a 10 there. So, that would make her a 15 in Ohio?
  2. I'm curious as to what kind of distraction this will have on the team this season
  3. I just cut the cord. Can anyone help me figure out how to set up streaming to my 3 tvs? I'm looking to stream 3 separate channels to each tv so i can watch 3 games at once. Here was my setup from my cable days
  4. At least McMahon proved himself in the NFL by winning a Super Bowl.
  5. Cincinnati doesn't have the brightest of minds.
  6. Those of y'all claiming they came from Portland, must either not be familiar with the area or have forgotten that there is a joint Army and Air Force base less than an hour southwest in Fort Lewis in between Tacoma and Olympia. And I used to live in Federal Way, so this hits close to home.
  7. Want to know what the worst thing about all of this is? Having that annoying Ohio State fightsong over and over in my head
  8. Which would just prove their lack of integrity IMO.
  9. Based on what I told you from personal experience.
  10. There's not a better place on earth this time of year, but especially in September/early October. I've you've never been to a game at Husky stadium, those overhangs make that stadium a constantly buzzing echo chamber. It gets VERY loud in there.
  11. Texas wins the rematch in Austin, that I'm quite confident of.
  12. I'm hoping to go to the Cotton Bowl this Oct for my first RRS game, just to experience it first hand.
  13. I'm not holding my breath for a decision, they are going to drag this on for another week or so, hoping the rage of public opinion will blow over so they can keep him without having a major blow back.
  14. I am wanting to set up streaming to 3 different TV's so I can watch 3 different games at once. This was the setup that i had 2 years ago but was using Direct tV with 2 Genie Minis. https://imgur.com/gallery/1iQ1BJr. The question I have is, would I have to have 3 different Roku's for each of the 3 tv's or is there a way I can use one or two devices to stream 3 different channels to the 3 different tvs?
  15. Which is why you won't catch me outside in North Dakota in early February making yellow snow.
  16. Isn't that why the lines for the bathroom at those places are always the shortest?
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