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Everything posted by Gucci_Suit

  1. Whhhhhhhhheeeeeewwwwww. Refs in this.
  2. This is the game Yormark had circled. It was never the techtard game.
  3. Penalty count going to be 69-0. They don’t care at this point.
  4. Fuck this conference. Fuck it. Let’s win.
  5. Shit, I’d leave college station in a palanquin. It would be like the wedding in coming to America.
  6. Shit, I’d party with Jimbo. Wouldn’t bang Candi tho. Unless they peeled me off some of that new money.
  7. This thread has become way too informational. Where is the ag misery?
  8. Video is kinda silly, but it’s pretty much how I felt during that series. But there were some “fuck this” moments in there too. Don’t matter, we’re the champs. Can’t wait for the “World Champion Texas Rangers Season Thread” next year.
  9. Gucci_Suit


    This fan and alumni base deals with success in the strangest way. I’m not immune by any means, but fuck we hate ourselves irrationally, or (if you’re an OB guy), sunshine pump to an aggy level. We’re 9-1 with a last minute loss that we should have stopped. We’re better than decent. The rest of college football sucks balls, which has resulted in a log-jam of only decent undefeated teams ahead of us. It happens I guess. The SEC should be better next year, and Texas should be about the same… but we’d be the 2nd best team in the SEC right this minute. On the right day, we’d be the best team. Let’s chill. The roster is young but good. Next year they will be young and good again. Let’s chill. Chillllllll
  10. It’s only been 2 weeks since we took the WS. Seems like forever ago. Anyway, at least 50 more to go. At least. Feeling good about adding to it.
  11. Both sides will have personnel tho. He’s not wrong.
  12. I’m good with whatever as long as we’re not on ATT net like those other guys.
  13. Have they floated the idea yet of grabbing Sark from little brother?
  14. I love playing the Giants these days
  15. The Giants have basically quit on the season
  16. Gucci_Suit


    We ain’t losing shit.
  17. The Big 12 is a Bob Saget joke. Both funny and sad.
  18. Maybe not random, but Lance Berkman was the Ranger I hated the most. Dude didn’t give a single fuck about the team that was paying him.
  19. I think this is true, but I could also see them ending the year at 8-4. Ms State is really really terrible. Abilene Christian is no App State. And LSU, while I expect them to beat the ole ags, they actually aren’t that good. It’s likely 7-5, but that lsu game is the ag Super Bowl this year and lsu is a ladies basketball school. edit: also I fully admit and celebrate that we’re a volleyball school.
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