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Everything posted by Gucci_Suit

  1. It is now. But it was Rangers proud 12 years ago. Winning matters in transient cities such as this. The Horns and Cowboys are the only sticky teams. I see a lot of kids at my kid’s school in chiefs and Astros gear. Wonder why? Used to be Yankees and packers. Used to be a lot of Spurs gear. Horns and Boys are the only constant. edit: oh, there was a Saints period too!
  2. Ha. Yeah. I’m half Mexican and Christmas Eve at my tia Gloria’s house is louder than DKR. And on my mom’s side it’s quiet and boring. I support funny stereotypes because they’re true… and thus funny.
  3. Micah essentially made both of those plays
  4. KarenKeyLargo would never make something up.
  5. Any time now Marcus. Let’s get it going. Any time now. We got it
  6. We laugh at Tech for many reasons. Football is one of those reasons.
  7. Funny that the missed false start ended up fucking aggy
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