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Everything posted by Gucci_Suit

  1. We should get rid of replay reviews in college football. What’s the point? Causes delay of game. They don’t make correct calls. Why are they there?
  2. If true that really sucks for that kid. I wish him the best and hope he fully recovers and has a successful career at Arizona State.
  3. I mean, that’s basically just TexAgs, right? You can just rip out the names and replace them with the next set of recruits. The fan fiction there reads like Harry Potter or the Chronicles of Narnia… except written by 2nd grade kiddos that need a nap. Every battle vis-a-vis Texas is a new chapter in the epic story of ultimate victory. Personally, I can’t live without it.
  4. That was some terrible play design and play calling in the red zone. The end zone fade is such lazy play calling.
  5. Will be interesting to hand out the 1st loss of the season to 5 of our first 6 opponents.
  6. I think Gabriel is really damn good. And I think the OU roster is decent. Not what it has been in the past, but pretty solid. My only point is that OU got hit in the mouth last year and completely quit. I’ve seen us get blasted in that game more times than I want to remember. But last year, the entire OU team quit. Every player, every coach, every assistant, every fan.
  7. I mean. I watched from the 50 yard line and I saw 49-0. And it wasn’t even that close. OU got beat at every single position. Every position. Badly.
  8. Stereotypes are funny because they’re true. Growing up in Amarillo, we’d have to practice in the snow sometimes and the black dudes would come out with their entire sweat suits under their pads. One dude wore fucking mittens! Man I miss those guys and those days. Just awesome dudes.
  9. Why is Diggs even practicing? I mean really. Just walk thru it.
  10. I can tell that this guy is a graphic design major.
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