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David Dennison

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Everything posted by David Dennison

  1. I should probably be more worried, but I'm not.
  2. It's silly season for the national press right now.
  3. No. I don't think they're competent enough to pull off something as massive as censoring the national press.
  4. But I don't see them being able to censor the national press.
  5. For some reason, I'm just not buying this.
  6. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if most Americans don't realize there's a presidential election this fall.
  7. That's going to happen no matter what he does tonight. But it won't cost him the election. That would be our FUBAR system for choosing a president.
  8. I took umbrage with your support for capital punishment.
  9. One of the many reasons he's one of the worst presidents in American history.
  10. Then there's the pink elephant in the room: alcohol.
  11. Colin Allred loves him some text messages.
  12. Shoulda said Dark Brandon. He's my home boy.
  13. Yeah, I'm closer to the world not ending if Trump wins again side of things. I'd prefer it didn't happen, but I think the United States would get through it. I could be wrong, though, so I'm going to vote for Brandon and hope for the best.
  14. They need to lean into it. Trying to appeal to the neoliberal middle obviously doesn't work.
  15. It would help tremendously if the TDP stopped assuming Democratic-leaning voters won't vote for Democrats if candidates move to the left.
  16. The very possibility that a person could be wrongly convicted and executed by the state means we should eliminate capital punishment.
  17. Not all of us are feeling that way. Not even if Donald Trump wins. But I sure hope it doesn't happen.
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