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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Weird, the other picture didn't come through...
  2. I get nervous when getting below 50% on the phone, but I'll be damned if I'm going to fill up the gas tank on the truck until it's under 50 miles to E.
  3. I do love that at least one media outlet played it as "a mass shooting / stabbing event right in the heart of Westlake". That place is a rotting cesspool, and I would bet most Westlake citizens steer clear of the mall, much like a true Longhorn avoid Oklahoma and Arkansas.
  4. Can we get this on a banner to fly over DKR?
  5. All the Bob Cole stations have garbage signal. Can't get KOKE in many parts of Travis County. And HornFM was hit or miss.
  6. Fords take whipples, too. And have long before Tundras were around.
  7. nothing like having a convo with yourself, eh?
  8. Come on down to Johnny Manziel's Money Bar, where you can relive your Glory [hole] days of college.
  9. Much better than doing 35 in a 55 while buried in their cell phone, then flip you off once you pass them on the right. Austin drivers are worse than the Derrel.
  10. Lived and worked there for a year and a half. Loved the drivers, hated the heat / humidity and lack of elevation change.
  11. Tell me you were in the car they stopped, without telling me you were in the car they stopped...
  12. I'm still not sold on that lower unit design, personally. It takes much of the risk out of falling on the lower unit and nailing the prop while surfing, but it's still not far enough under the boat to really make it seem safe.
  13. They can take their breakfast burrito and shove it up their service road.
  14. People who call the frontage road the "feeder".
  15. Is this like an Enron thing? Where he funnels all his booze money into his own business, shows record profits for any bar in CS, all the while he accounts for 95% of the income.
  16. From what I've seen, a lot of them are arrests by other agencies that are dropped off at County for processing. They just have a generic code and sometimes throw in a description.
  17. Did see a guy there on Saturday morning pull his boat half way down the ramp, then begin rigging it while another boat was waiting to pull out. Took him about 10 minutes to launch. Still waiting for the weather to cool off slightly to get our oil changed and drop ours in the water. Hoping to get some lake time in this fall, but this 100+ weather with no bimini cover on the boat makes it miserable to be on the lake.
  18. You're in the 'hood, and seen your pics from the park, so you have the absolute BEST setup you could ask for for launching / recovering a boat. I would definitely recommend if you have an easy access launch site to trailer it, else get ready to fork over for the slip and fuel costs of keeping it on the lake. And lift...
  19. Well, did the GPS help them avoid a standstill on the interstate and improve their arrival time by 10 minutes or what?
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