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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. Bowden is gigantic moron. There's zero chance Toronto makes that deal.
  2. For the entire series, we outscored Vegas 5-0 with Tanev on the ice.
  3. What are these based on? Shot attempts & quality? Possession? Because there's at least one score every time that does not pass the eye test. Esa this time.
  4. We played for the national title in football and finally fired Hop in basketball. I'm not going to complain about baseball sucking yet again.
  5. Smart move by the Avalanche to pick up Kiviranta so he can't hatty them in Game 7 again.
  6. So I'm permanently moving to Colorado on May 19. I hope I don't make a bad first impression on the new neighbors.
  7. How TF does that make any sense? Also:
  8. I bet they start EDM series on Tuesday and we go Wed-Fri.
  9. Jeez, I love it when they're talking to them and they suddenly have to make a play. Someone soon will drop an F-bomb when that happens and this will all be over.
  10. I mean, they started the segment by replaying Ace predicting that Johnston would score.
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