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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. You don't throw rocks!! You throw cans of soup!!! I learned that on Fox News.
  2. Got our ass kicked. Something has to change or we're done.
  3. And it seems like just yesterday that I was watching him pitch...
  4. I once took a piss next to Terry at a Mavs game. He snuck a peak and told me that I had a bigger cock than LC Greenwood.
  5. 78666 boy!!!! Orale, Malik!!!
  6. Fun -- Levey finished 19th in MVP voting the year before, despite -0.5 WAR that season: And after '33, he decided to try football and played in the NFL:
  7. I started watching P&R during season 1 when it came out and thought it was crap. And it was. Seasons 2-end were great. They pretty seamlessly changed Leslie Knope from "female Michael Scott" into kind of a Mary Tyler Moore reincarnate.
  8. That's kind of what I was wondering, because I'm looking for something to binge next, and a good friend has been insisting on MF. Recently binged thru P&R and 30R, and 30R started the best, but completely fell apart in the last two seasons, while P&R had one of the best finales since MASH.
  9. Beau Vine

    Pearl Jam

    A friend of mine (who got me Sugar Bowl and NC game tix) lives next door to Mike McCready, so this hits close to home.
  10. I will never understand why you need six guys on a halftime show that has about 4 minutes of conversation. Whoops, Vito nailed it above, though Joyce Brothers got cut off.
  11. You'd make an outstanding MLB owner. Rob Manfred will be calling you shortly.
  12. 30 Rock, Big Bang Theory, Community, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation
  13. This is a Second City skit, right?
  14. This is on Amazon Prime now, and I'm shocked that no one else has seen it.
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