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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. Why am I getting a replay of the Cardinals-Tigers game on Bally right now?
  2. Look at Jon Singleton batflipping here like he's Korean: 10/10
  3. Haha, look at that mother fucker bat flip!
  4. What dollar figure were they suggesting should be attached to this extremely generous 3 year offer?
  5. I just binged it, which is what motivated the thread. I thought the last two seasons were terrible. The story lines were usually stupid, and they took Jack's edge away and had him explore his feelings, which was never hit.
  6. I've honestly been hoping the Leafs make it to the Finals, just so we can see how the rest of Canada will react, if they'll root for the Leafs.
  7. Has aggy already threatened to leave the conference if a forfeit is not awarded?
  8. Edmonton was the worst team in the CFL last season. (Kinda embarrassed that I know that.)
  9. If Derka weren't banned, he'd be driving the CJ Abrams bandwagon, and I'd hop on.
  10. https://universitystar.com/26060/news/rise-in-syphilis-cases-impacts-txst/
  11. I wonder what our record is when TD scores a goal?
  12. Helmet was back there for a long time in the 1st. Ref DGAF.
  13. You don't throw rocks!! You throw cans of soup!!! I learned that on Fox News.
  14. Got our ass kicked. Something has to change or we're done.
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