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Everything posted by lemonlime

  1. Yeah. I'm not at all sure I trust the police union on why crime is rising. The recent rise in the violent crime rate is also after years of record low crime, and is still far below NYC crime rates of years past. I'm also wondering what percentage of this is domestic violence--I can't imagine being cooped up in a house with your family for months is doing anything good for domestic violence rates. Edit to add: law enforcement has a vested interest in scaring the public. They already have less work due to the end of cash bail, and they have incentive to scare the rest of this that things like ending cash bail or having pot dealers on the streets during Covid is going to kill us all.
  2. Because Florida has more Covid cases than the entire EU. Anecdotally, I have to speak with coworkers in Florida a lot. And we steadfastly avoid discussing politics, so I couldn't tell you their political leanings. Except my conversations with them over the last few weeks, essentially boil down to them not wanting to leave their house, because there's Covid, little mask wearing, dishonesty from the politicians, etc. And they are all supremely pissed.
  3. Which was the entire point of the feds coming in. Need to drum up fear in time for the election.
  4. Even assuming the bolded is true, they are cult members who get their news from other cult members. They won't know enough about what happened to give a fuck.
  5. Trump was just impeached (it feels like years ago) for cheating in the 2020 election, and the GOP almost universally ran interference for his cheating. And he's made up crap about illegals voting. There are many examples of Republicans cheating at elections in recent years. They may not have cheated in all elections, or enough to win all elections, but there's many examples of cheating. Just because Republicans can invent a tale out of whole cloth to try and accuse Democrats of doing what the Republicans are guilty of, doesn't make this a both sides issue.
  6. They cheated in the presidential race in 2016, maybe in 2000 also. In 2018, they cheated in states they controlled—see Gov. Kemp. And see also the recent Wisconsin election. Among others. And that’s just off the top of my head. Not sure why you think they’ll grow a conscious now.
  7. Oh, no. Not emotions! You act like it's an insult that I'm offended that secret, federal police are arresting kidnapping protestors, something you're okay with.
  8. That's optimistic of you. I give it three hours at best. I would have said 3 minutes, except I guess the press conference ended. There isn't enough alcohol in the world to convince me to watch it.
  9. I remember the days on the old site when the posters were mocking the idea of a GOP war on women. Years of, at best, ignoring misogyny is coming home to roost.
  10. Really? From the same party and state as ted Cruz? Seems like treating women like shit is on brand
  11. Because they're lying. That's evergreen for everything anyone in the trump administration says. Also, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that Donny Two Scoops endures having a swab stuck way up his nose multiple times a day.
  12. 341 since May. So about 6 people per day on average. Interestingly small riot there.
  13. Ok. I'll change the hypothetical to an 8-year-old. Or even a 2-month old. If you're more angry that their parents took them to a peaceful protest, exercising their Constitutional rights than older teenagers being sent to be killed by the Taliban, you may want to reconsider your values. At best the GOP has lost absolutely all moral authority.
  14. Well, yes. But also, by the time there are armed government goons assaulting and kidnapping people, peaceful protests are too late.
  15. So apparently to the Trump right, taking 14-year-olds to what are supposed to be peaceful protests amounts to child abuse, but sending 18-year-olds to Afghanistan to be killed by the Taliban who was paid by the Russians, is A-Ok.
  16. We aren't getting to a Biden presidency. We had our last free and fair presidential election. I'm just not sure whether that was in 2016 or 2012. I'm also not sure the end of the republic is a bad thing. The republic is controlled by a collective of fascists, bigots, and morons. Edit to add: We should have had protests in the street in 2017 and 2018. It's too late now to save things. Those moms who are showing up in Portland, as well as the rest of us, should have been out there for kids in cages, Puerto Rico, etc.
  17. Yup. I had only seen the cv showing extensive work in Russia when I made my post. Still seems odd that he waited five years. But the guy was a bigoted lunatic.
  18. Every accusation is a confession. Because you’re pontificating from behind your keyboard instead of working toward positive change, you assume everyone else’s efforts are solely from behind a keyboard. There’s no evidence of that. Instead better you set a pointless and pointlessly specific task others must take according to you to properly respond.
  19. Not sure what happened at this point. And I’m not all in on the conspiracy theories. But odd that a disgruntled attorney waited five years for revenge. He hadn’t appeared before Salas since 2015. There has to be more to this. I’m not saying the more Is some Epstein conspiracy theory, revenge from the Russian mafia for some other case (shooter had Russian connections), revenge against the husband, or something else entirely.
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