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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. They didn’t call PI. They called holding, and as others pointed out, he was practically holding him the entire route. You kind of have to call it.
  2. I’ve met him. I’d say he’s about 5’8-5’9. Super nice guy.
  3. Remember when forward progress stopping ended a play? Pepperidge Farm remembers. The damn umpire already had signaled the play dead before the extra push.
  4. I hope they conclude this experiment a failure. This experimental turf may be great for putting on, but not for football.
  5. 2019? It took four years to indict him? Jeez.
  6. Give me a fucking break. How do people this retarded get to be billionaires and own an NFL franchise?
  7. Had KC not gotten oob, a magical yellow piece of laundry would have appeared. You put beans in your chili, don’t you?
  8. Clark Hunt is a genuinely good guy. I’ve met him twice and he’s just as nice as he can be.
  9. I can’t believe I’m rooting for Baylor. But I am. I must be sick.
  10. Truth. But I’ll take the win and the hopeful emergence of a couple of very true freshmen.
  11. HI keysphonewallet. Welcome to the support group. I'm Uncle Nate, and I root for the Cowboys and Texas Tech. So, I actually have it much worse than you.
  12. That final play was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Had to finish a retard game with most retard of retard plays.
  13. Why do I let myself care? I’m in an abusive relationship with the Dallas Cowboys. Time for me to go all Farrah Faucet Burning Bed on this relationship.
  14. Why do you hate Idaho high school football?
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