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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. To redeem myself from my message board faux pas, I offer some humorous replies to the PAC-12 tweet:
  2. Sorry if this has already been posted...I didn't see it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't. You know it's bad when they have to issue this statement. That's akin to an AD releasing a statement that they fully support a coach. EDIT: I see now it was posted with subsequent conversations. My bad. I missed Monday altogether apparently.
  3. Water carrier, dick sucker. Tomato, tomahto.
  4. Shaking my head at how badly the Pac 12 leadership has managed things for the past 15 years. Larry Scott should have done everything possible to grab UT, OU, OSU, and Tech in 2010-11 when A&M & Mizzou announced they were leaving for the SEC and Nebraska leaving for the Big 10. But all he took was CU...what a head-scratcher. He could've had the first super conference and who knows where the Pac 16 could be today. Then George Kliavkoff sat around and did nothing when UT and OU announced they were heading to the SEC in 2021. Just sat there with his thumb up his ass, not realizing that this move indeed made the Pac 12 vulnerable. Never would have dreamed in 2021 that by 2023 the new Big 12 would be in such a better position than the Pac 12. Just utter mismanagement.
  5. "A lawyer player who represents himself has a fool for a client."
  6. Well, a beer would have been inappropriate at halftime. Anybody else remember the gatorade commercial a few years back highlighting this old KC team (and EJ Holub as I recall). I guess Len decided to stick with what works for him instead, lol.
  7. It always amazes me how TE's like Kelce, Gronk, Witten, Gonzalez, etc. could always find ways to be open. I mean, they are the biggest damn guy running past the LOS and still defenses find ways to lose them.
  8. Nearly called my wife that when she wouldn't believe me that I wasn't sitting on the remote. But for some odd reason, "bitch" translates into "hit me upside the head with a frying pan", so I decided to refrain from using it.
  9. The idea that grass designed for a golf course, that is grown on a tray and wheeled in (so no real established root structure), and then painted on top of that, would be good to play football on is beyond absurd. I'm no turf expert, put I did play football and I do play golf, and I know a thing or two about grass root structures that most everyone else knows as well, except of course for the NFL grounds experts. Anyone who has had to repair their divots on a tee box or fairway, or repaired their ball marks on a green, knows that that kind of grass simply cannot hold up to a football game with the weight of the players planting their foot for a cut. The Okie Light tweets yesterday confirmed it was grass designed for golf courses. Looks great, but not real functional for a foosball game, Bobby.
  10. I agree completely. But I will contend that the OL have not made the same gains in athleticism and speed that their defensive counterparts have. Of course, defenders aren't allowed to even breathe heavily on a QB these days, so the only way they get to have a sack is if they chase the QB from behind it seems.
  11. Speaking of the level of competition, and how different the game is today vs. the past when QB's weren't so protected, I would like to offer up a possible counterpoint: The defensive players of today are way, way, way more athletic than the defensive players of 30-40 years ago. The linebackers are so much bigger and faster, as are the d-lineman. They are literally freaks of human nature. If you took a time machine back to the 70's and 80's, and even early 90's, and told them that in today's NFL you have defensive lineman and linebackers who are just as big or bigger running 4.4 40's, they would tell you that you are either insane or everyone is on dope. Meanwhile, the OL have gotten bigger and more athletic, but not near to the same level as their defensive counterparts. So yes, today's QB and offense as a whole is way more protected than in the past, but the defenses today seem way more athletic, faster, and stronger.
  12. It begs the question...how much of an influence is Eric Bienemy?
  13. Ah, ok. Didn't recognize her with the smile. Baylor & Philly...wouldn't surprise me if she were also a Yankees fan to give me the hate-trifecta.
  14. Ok, I really had hoped someone would have posted something after this giving me a clue as to who they are. So I have to ask...
  15. This. It's why this is a rule to begin with.
  16. Yeah he was. I shook his hand once at a basketball game...this is kind of what it looked like:
  17. Well, you clearly didn't read my post at all. And the DB even admitted he was holding him. But you got your narrative and by golly you are going to stick to it...don't confuse you with facts.
  18. I'm both. Granted, Tech legend EJ Holub started me down the road of having the Chiefs as my AFC team, and Mahomes helped reinforce it.
  19. So many variables go into making a call. The ref has to determine in a microsecond if the hold impeded the route and thus affected the play. He throws the flag at the point the hold is being made, not later after seeing if the ball was overthrown or not. Also, you have to take into account causative effect here...that hold could have been enough to alter the entire play and that's why PM threw it away. All the ref can do at that point-in-time is assess if the hold impeded the route, and from his vantage point in that miniscule amount of time to make an evaluation he determined it did impede the WR's ability to make the play. They have to do that on each and every play, not sit there and go, "How did I call this earlier in the game? Maybe I should take that into consideration." Each play is different, and the ref has different vantage points. You have to call these in a vacuum...there is no other way.
  20. I am as big of a Mahomes fan as there is, but I do think we should wait until he's at least old enough for that next big car insurance discount before we start hiring the Mt. Rushmore of Football sculptors.
  21. This. Make it a Super Bowl tradition. It would be 100000000x better than the crap they've been serving us at halftime.
  22. And Kingsbury was his coach.
  23. I don’t want to know how you know so much about Joe’s balls.
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