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Gene Parmesan

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Posts posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. 8 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    I love how there’s never a security guard in sight during these videos. NFL ain’t give a fuck. They did the math and paying a small settlement every now and then is cheaper than hiring meaningful security. That settlement money is just gonna go right back to jerseys and Mich Ultra tallboys anyway. 

    Do they even pay settlements?  Have any of these ever resulted in a lawsuit against an owner?

  2. 1 hour ago, Herbie Hancock said:

    March of 2020 everything went batshit and pushed everyone to want/need a home gym. Prices haven't come back down. Infuriating

    Yeah I went to buy some kettle bells for home in that time, and quickly said no thanks.  I didn't know they still haven't come back down.

  3. Prices aside, machines will work assuming you actually use them.  Not sure if bowflex has a new setup, but back in 2009 I went to buy one at a new/used equipment store, and I didn't like how bowflex resistance isn't constant through the range of motion.  There are benefits to mixing in training like that, but I didn't want it 100% of the time.  Their resistance bars offered peak resistance at the end of the range of motion, so at the beginning of the lift there was little resistance.  I went with a cable machine with a weight stack.  You'll likely get a lat pulldown, chest/shoulder press options, and some rowing variations.  For legs you are pretty much going to be limited to an extension and curl variation.  If that's extra, I would just not add and buy a kettle bell and do some squat/lunge variations for leg training.  You aren't going to be able to get hardcore gains with this equipment but that doesn't sound like a goal of yours.  It's not going to be the same as commercial gym equipment because it's a lot cheaper, so it's going to be a little wonkier and not as comfortable.

  4. I wouldn't go to an NFL game because I am a cheap bastard.  I've never been to an NFL game, but have heard enough from people that have that it's better to just watch at home.  Not because of fear, but just because the fan experience isn't worth the price tag.  It's the most popular sports league in this country by a wide margin, so you shouldn't be racking your brain too hard to realize why people want to see it live.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Why a home gym?  If it has to be a home gym, I'd probably just get some kettle bells and do the countless of variations of workouts.  You'd get more variety of quality workouts than you would on a machine.  Home gym all in one machines are awkward to use and that's why they have the reputation as worthless.  Not that they can't work, but I think most people think they'd workout more if it was at home, but the opposite tends to be true.

  6. 50 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Yup, pretty simple. But let's be clear, if he was a 5 star phenom and healthy, he'd have been accepted back with open arms. That might be the "double standard" claim, but I don't see how it flies in this business. Kiffin is still a scumbag regardless of how one views this particular incident. 

    Hypotheticals aren't evidence.  Unless Kiffin has multiple players going off the grid for weeks and each were treated different there is no double standard.  Regardless of how an organization plans to deal with mental health issues, dropping all communication doesn't fly anywhere.

  7. 14 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Most of those players would’ve left Colorado for a better program or more pt if they had a chance 

    Exactly.  First they are adults, and they were dog shit and their dog shit was on film for every coach to see that they were worthless.  They had no where else to go and their free ride at Colorado was over, and it was all that asshole Sanders fault.  Easy to notice how none of the coaches that didn't think a purge was the correct path weren't there to scoop up these poor mistreated kids.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, UncleSonny said:

    Yeah, and just dumb on Kiffin’s part too. He opened himself up to this shit by laying into the kid like he did. 

    All he had to do was tell Rollins that he was off the team, because while he appreciates his mental health struggles he has to be able to trust the coaches and the program to have the resources to help and disappearing for weeks just wasn’t the right way to handle it. 

    Kiffin may have made himself feel better for a second by giving him that big lecture and it made him seem like a bully and insensitive to whether he was actually going though something. 

    Coaches are hotheads, but given he was kicking him off the team there is no point in laying into him, but lol at this kid thinking the coach calling him a pussy is going to win him a lawsuit.  

  9. 10 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    They can cover the grass for events if they have to, or come up with slide-out fields like they have in Arizona. Hell, I saw a video today about the Real Madrid's new pitch at the Bernabeu and that field is mechanically pulled apart in sections and then stored under the main surface when not in use. It's air-conditioned and has UV lights on it to keep it "alive."

    Slide out fields after the fact probably aren't going to happen.  As far as converting domes to grass I don't know enough about it to know if it's doable long term or if it's only doable for one time events.

  10. 8 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    This argument might make more sense if there weren't quite a few NFL stadiums that are grass already. They seem to make it work.

    Agree there is some workaround.  I'm guessing that turf fields may have the ability to host more stuff, but I don't give a shit about Jerry Jones' ability to pocket more money.  That being said for this to come to fruition the NFLPA will probably agree to an 18th game, completely mitigating any potential safety gains. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I missed the Musers talking Texas Alabama. How was it?

    It was fine other than they didn't devote an hour to sucking our dicks.  Not sure what Junior said in the past about Ewers, but he reiterated that he's always been a Ewers fan, and he fears the matchup in October.  Both basically thought this years team has the edge that last years team didn't.  Nothing groundbreaking or original, but fine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, animaltobacco11 said:

    Speaking of draft and mentioned in the lions game thread but how crazy their draft which was given a “meh” had four rookie contributors that were meaningful in the win.

    As a first round pick, Mazi needs to be really good. Just being marginally better than Taco who was an all time bust shouldn’t cut it.

    There is a lot of room in between really good and marginally better than Taco.

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