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Gene Parmesan

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Posts posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. On 8/28/2023 at 10:19 AM, Texasborn91 said:

    If a person had 48 hours to train with a katana master how many animals could they slay then? Feel like it could change the tide a bit. I’m thinking maybe gorilla, elephant, grizzly, hippo, and rhino could get me. Anything else I’m feeling a little confident. 

    48 hours training is only long enough to teach you how not to cut yourself unsheathing it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Yes but they are getting paid minimum wage at least?  Or is it 2 francs an hour

    Yes, but that is what we are talking about converting to a euro system.  You said it guarantees bad service because they are getting paid regardless, but that's not the case, because people tend to do their jobs, assuming they want them.  That would mean paying a waiter enough for them to want to work for you for the hourly wage you can afford.  Obviously this a hypothetical because everyone is not going decide to change overnight.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Office workers aren't dependent on tips.  Lots of people want office jobs.  Good luck finding waiters.  Restaurants are always looking for help.

    I have no problems firing waiters who suck.  Just don't expect exemplary service if you're a regular that tips less than 10%.  Might be a little late on the ice tea refills.  Might be a little less interested in making thousand island dressing from scratch.  Might be a little less willing to stand and listen to your stories about junior scoring 3 tds at his last pee wee game.

    Applebees?  Fuck that.  Mickey D's or again, maybe stay at home and don't dine out on your last 100.00, allegedly. 

    Well in the euro model the waitresses aren't dependent on tips.  That's the point, they don't just stop doing their jobs.

  4. 1 hour ago, closetohumping said:

    Euro model is a guaranteed way to get shit service.  They're getting paid anyway right?  


    Also not tipping the waiter is a good way to get shit service your next time around.

    This would suck for the non-tippers.  

    This isn't complicated if a waiter is shitty, it's costing the restaurant money, and most operate on thin margins.  People don't want to patronize a restaurant with shitty service regardless if tips are involved.  It's in nobody's interest for the waitress to do a shit job, just as it's not in an office workers interest to fuck up TPS reports if there is no tip. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Y'all are telling poor people to stay home because they don't deserve to go out and wat

    The bill was 100+ for 2 people.  That's not high roller, but there are plenty of cheaper options if they are entitled to eat out.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Last thing I'm gonna say.  Sometimes people are just down in life and want to go out.  Why the fuck are we judging them.  

    Because they are 100% assholes.  What is your point?  That it's not illegal so it's fair game, or that it's okay to be an asshole to someone because someone unrelated was an asshole to you?

  7. 34 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    Yeah.  I'm serious.  Sometimes people are on a budget and just need to get out of the house for dinner or a drink.  Why pin it on them maybe the industry needs to change, but ask anyone server or bartender if they should get paid 20 bucks and hour and do away with tipping.  They will laugh in your face.  Most bartenders I know make upwards of 50 bucks an hour.  


    And no I am not a bad tipper.  Last night I forgot my dinner so I had to order pizza because everything in downtown Seattle is closed after 10 PM.  For 18 bucks worth of food.  I got hit with a 8 dollar delivery charge and I tipped the guy 8 bucks.  

    Yeah.  It sucks getting stiffed on a tip but that shit evens out.  For every no tipper there are 4 that tip more than 20 percent.  It's the nature of the industry.

    The story was specifically about a sit down restaurant.  Not tip culture in general.  No you shouldn't go to a restaurant if you can't afford to tip.  If the industry ever changes, then you still wouldn't be able to eat at that restaurant because rather than a $100 food bill and $20 tip you are getting a $120 food bill.  So if anything the current industry is at his advantage.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. Just now, Texas Wahoo said:

    I could see an argument for splitting it 50-50 between the family and Oher, but there is no way it makes sense for SJ and Collins to get equal shares.

    That's fine I don't disagree, my main point that this isn't 100% Ohers story.  It's not a biography of his life.  It's about the circumstances of a specific period in time, and he wasn't even the prominent character in the movie. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, redswingline said:

    So if a book is written about your life and a movie is made (loosely) based off that book, everyone in your family should get a cut of that? If you have brothers / sisters - would they really expect a cut from you?

    Mine wouldn't.

    Depends on how integral your family is to your story.  I don't know about the book because I haven't read, but the movie which made all the money featured the mom as the star of the movie, and Sandra Bullock won an academy award, so she was the most prominent figure in that story.

  10. 12 minutes ago, redswingline said:

    Perhaps. Those types of details can only be known by oher and his attorney.  The only other possibility I see here is oher is aggravated the royalties split 5 ways. If each member gets between 7k-14k a year, that's 5x that amount (5 family members) per year, x 12-13 years, if those payments continued that whole time, that's not chump change. I question why anything from a book or movie about him would get split by the family in such a way. That is very odd.

    Well because it's their story as well, but agree given what they are already worth they should just go to him, but then again at the time of the movie's release he was a first round pick, so it was pretty much chump change to everyone.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Nah not own. You could take it to a closed track. Just don't understand why a rocket ship needs to be street legal. There are no scenarios where you should be doing over 100 quite frankly.

    According to the speed limits in Texas there are no scenarios that you should be doing over 85.  Off the top of my head as to why not is that 100+ mph traffic accidents are probably rare in the grand scheme of traffic accidents, and an engine governor law would be pretty far reaching to prevent them.  I have no idea if any other countries do that.

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