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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Complete trash fans. This one Italian looking dude stood up on the bar, ripped his shirt off to show his gold chains and asked if anyone “wants some of this”. That’s when I went to finish the rest of my beer in the lobby.
  2. Ha, now we get to watch us beat them in football.
  3. I was at that game in Houston. Those Memphis fans were complete classless assholes. We were staying at a downtown hotel and it got so ugly the security and bartenders finally announced “ok, if you are a Memphis fan OR you are wearing blue, you have to get the fuck out. now.”
  4. No that was another Barnes fuck up. /hi derka. to be clear I loved Barnes but it was time for him to move on.
  5. Glad I’m not the only one watching this. Good basketball is so great to watch. and so depressing to think it’s been that long since we were good in all the big 3 sports.
  6. Gotcha. 2000 in fuel is basically one day of Gulf bill fishing on a day trip. On my sized boat. It goes up from there. One of the 2 day tournaments a few years back on Rebecca I think he spent 8000. On fuel. We did run all the way to Louisiana to fish but still. Also didn’t catch jackshit but broke off the fish that would have won about 200,000.
  7. Wait, what? 15-20 grand PLUS fuel? You aren’t wrong you are still getting a good deal as opposed to owning but if there are people out there willing to pay that for a vacation I need to re-think what I’m doing. I’m not flagged in CR so I can’t do anything like you are talking about but hmmmmm...... edit- never mind I realize you are including fuel in that total.
  8. You’d need to start in the Gulf. I’m outclassed in Costa Rica because I can’t get enough quality anglers but I’ve been lucky enough to win tournaments there. Team was basically 2 Tico mates, me, and another guy that had fished a bunch. We got lucky and have a captain that just finds fish. You really need 6-7 people that are good to fish there because everybody else you are fishing against has that. It’s the best of the best and a lot of pro teams down there. That’s all they do. While you are trolling you hold the rod in your hand the whole time. It’s not for everyone. Texas tournaments are much easier because while there might be 50 boats entered, only 15ish have a realistic chance to win. I fish with 2 of those boats and they would be willing to do a deal for certain tourneys. honestly though unless you are just looking to gamble I doubt you’d enjoy tournament fishing especially catch and release. It’s a whole different ballgame. Kill tournaments like POCO were great fun but unfortunately it’s gone. Basically you just need to bring my dog back to Port A and then we can discuss this. Or come stay with me and Cindy on the boat for a few days in CR next winter. Y’all get the bunk room. Or the couches which are much more comfortable.
  9. They were terribly disorganized from Day 1 which was a little weird because the owner was the same one from Pelican Club and Beulahs before that. He didn’t allow that at those places. He basically didn’t give a shit anymore and was looking for an excuse to retire. Still, it was far and away the best food on the island. As far as meal experiences here in town Venetian Hot Plate to me is still your best bet. Nothing there food wise is going to be great but they have the best service and a really good wine list.
  10. These tourists have gone insane. A bartender at Salty Dog last night had to run a guy off with a baseball bat. Chased him out the bar and down the street. I get letting loose after Covid is “over” but it’s definitely a different crowd and atmosphere from 2 years ago.
  11. Nothing to see here. Just rounding out the roster.
  12. This is actually a good deal not just for you but also for the boat owner. And no way you are chartering a nice boat for 2000 a day unless they are only taking you 1 mile out. I was 3600 for an all day billfish trip.
  13. Entry fee is fairly minimal. Usually a couple thousand. But to win the big money you have to buy the pots and that can run you anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 depending on the tournament. And then you have the boat expenses - charter fees and/or fuel, bait, etc. there are deals to be worked on that end if you are willing to pay all the money in exchange for the boat getting a bigger cut of the winnings. Crew depends on the boat. When I was fishing the tournaments here on my boat I had a captain, 2 mates, and myself and then usually 4 or 5 other people. Tourney rules vary. There are “jungle rules” tournaments where you use your best anglers to hook the fish and then you can hand it off to guests to reel it in and then there are tournaments where whoever hooks the fish has to fight it. This obviously makes a big difference as far as who you want on the boat.
  14. Local dude out of Port A caught the first tagged red yesterday. Fishing out of a 14 foot boat with a 10hp engine. Ran into him at the Gaff last night and he was so pumped.
  15. This is the answer. Huge Longhorn fan and great fisherman. If the fishing sucks he is funny as hell, was a cast member at Esthers Follies. Tell him PortAfino John sent you to him. At this point I’ve sent him so many trips he probably owes me a bud light.
  16. I know nothing about the fishing there. Just have heard it’s a fun place to go kick back and party with tourists from all over the world. If you go to Panama be sure and read this https://www.amazon.com/Path-Between-Seas-Creation-1870-1914/dp/0671244094/ref=asc_df_0671244094_nodl/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312039872799&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12652064038015610173&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028131&hvtargid=pla-625528053792&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=62149175916&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312039872799&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12652064038015610173&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028131&hvtargid=pla-625528053792 before you go. if that didn’t work the book is The Path Between The Seas.
  17. You might like Bocas del Toro. I looked into going there a few years ago when I was in Quepos for a few months but finally decided it wasn’t worth the effort to get there from Quepos. It’s a lot easier from Panama.
  18. Colon is the shitiest shithole I’ve come across in Central America. Don’t go there. The canal tour is interesting and there is a ton to do in Panama City. Haven’t been in about 6 years so really can’t recall restaurant names. I have friends that built a house and moved to the Boquete/David area. They’ve got a full time maid, chef and gardener/handyman that they pay a total of like 1200 a month. It’s definitely cheaper than CR.
  19. Any luck? I don’t think those are operating right now because of Covid. I sure as heck know it’s nearly impossible to get an appointment in Houston right now for a same day passport.
  20. Oh, and Walker is considered the best charter captain in SPI.
  21. He probably knows my captain John Brennan. My boat is PortAfino and Brennan also runs a well known boat called Game Plan. I’ve got a bunch of friends in town and they are dragging me to Gaff so I’ll get back to the rest of the boat and tourney stuff later. Enjoy Memorial Day.
  22. I have the captain for you. What did you think of The Wharf? That is what the plan was for the Shorty’s/Fisherman’s Wharf area here but it’s starting to sound like it may not happen.
  23. Sunday fun day at Shortys. Burgers and music of anyone is here. The band starting at 8 is much better than the one playing now. Ty Dietz. I don’t think we finished our tab off from when @immamac was here.
  24. So they won most of the money. 245,000 because the boat that won wasn’t in all the pots.
  25. Oh shit as far as I can tell they lost by 2 pounds. The tournament doesn’t do a good job of updating results online.
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