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NorLa Horns

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NorLa Horns

  1. we get Broughton over aggy. and Bijan over tOSU. both schools strongly rumored to pay recruits. had a thought that maybe somebody in the Texas alumni association finally got a clue and passed a little cash along.
  2. need to have Jerrin Thompson commit immediately, to sooth our pain.
  3. most likely most of it was warer retention from the beer and 20 lbs of rotting meat in my intestines. yummy
  4. between frosh and soph years. gained 45 lbs in less than 3 months. steak , potatoes (worked at a steakhouse) tacos and beer. lifting heavy 2 times a week. its possible. course i lost it all in less tha 2 months. 2 a days in Arkansas sucks.
  5. we wont push for Ty Jordan till any chance of flipping McClellan is dead and buried
  6. when Billy Simms went broke. i saw him working at a rent to own store. cleaning out a repoed fridge. OUsux takes care of its own.
  7. track suit sighting! Eastern European verification!
  8. scipio on the Horn last week was the best radio ever. i need a radio station to just do Texas football 24/7
  9. say what you will about Stone V Milroe. But Texas is getting a ton of love from recruits for getting Milroe. I dont see Texas getting near the same kinda love for landing Stone.
  10. dude needs to learn to keep his left up, so he wont get his nose pushed over that way. -voice of experience
  11. it was my understanding that he wasn't graduating till the 2nd summer semester. kinda hard to get into a grad school that quick. especially a Texas grad school.
  12. bama is the example. stacking 5*s. whats the tipping point for Texas? idk.
  13. stone is talking about commiting in January? other positions might be able to play that wait and see game. dude needs to look at Haynes King this cycle. it really seemed he wanted to go anywhere but aggy. but he wanted SECx3 and Tennessee already had a guy. his choices were drastically reduced. this is whatll happen to Stone if he doesnt jump quick. Bama has got their guy. Milroe might jump by the weekend. stone is gonna fuck around and end up in a 2 QB class or forced to go somewhere less that what he thinks he deserves. maybe he really does want to go to SMU
  14. guys are ok sitting, if the team they are sitting on is winning championships and putting guys in the league. till we are that team, playing time is a big thing. potential and direction of the team will only get you so far with some people.
  15. i'm like 5 pages back , but I gotta go to work . but here a thought. The Samples thing might have been put to bed before this, and if so, sorry. but here goes. texas high and Pleasant Grove are both looking for coaches. schools are less than 3 miles apart as the crow flys. Samples gets on field coaching experience and we have a secret squirell talking in Jackson, Burris and the T-high kids ears.
  16. dude. youre acting like aggy would do something crazy. like threaten to rape our women or something.
  17. central? center frame, enlarge and enhance......again. central? 3....no 5 frames to the right, enlarge and enhance. central? is outbound conduit still open? crap. central? security protocol c-6. Identify all outbound recipients! central! authorize drone missile strike strike on my mark! mark!
  18. dude. he left a good job for this. the poor bastard.
  19. listening to the BON podcast for last week, the hate for Beaty from the reporter they interviewed and youd have to think a lot more of Jayhawk nation, It would appear this is all just pure spite. IDK what happened up there. but seems to be a lot of bad blood
  20. i havent been able to get tapatalk to work for a week. really fucked up my gif game.
  21. i thought this is what i'd heard on this.
  22. I keep seeing RB and DL recruiting meltdown material. But let me remind you, that besides B-backer Dorbah. we dont have shit going on at LB. we have some warm bodies at DL. might not be top flight. but they have a pulse and potential. we might not get the 5* we want, but we have RB2 options and some breathing room for late bloomers and stealing that TCU back. But other than pie in the sky crap on Flowe, what do we have? anybody?
  23. guess i'm a shitty person. i'm finding it real hard to find any sympathy. i hope he gets a kidney. i hope he recovers. but he is a shitty human being, and even if all the love in the world rained down on him and fixed him. he would still be a shitty person with zero appreciation for what he has received.
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