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NorLa Horns

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NorLa Horns

  1. stupid Sip. errbody knows Brewster lost all credibility when he left aggy
  2. so people dont come up to you and use written form abbreviations to you in person? no etc.? appt.? dept.? thats fucking amazing. boggles the mind
  3. speak for yourself. as for me, i'm not getting on any buses anytime soon.
  4. I guess we need a ruling on the use of "natty" in beer reference context.
  5. I'll stick with the Texas daddy, thanks
  6. Tap the brakes and be less aggy. Let's wait and see. All with you on the spirit, but, tap the brakes. Since Colt it's been pretty baron around here. Only aggy doesn't know the difference between barren and baron. take that shit on over there.
  7. Had a white LB was on the team about the time Mallet was going through. I know he was on the team for about 4 years. But the fact i dont remember his name says it all
  8. 2017 LE kid who didnt qualify woulda been nice.
  9. Texarkana is solidly SECx3 country. used to be pure pig. It still is. But when you lose like pig ,its kinda hard to fly that flag. I was really pumped by his early visits. But lately?? Doomed. Let me check with some folks. i might can get something.
  10. Standard mia culpa. Public apology. " im very sorry to those i hurt, blah, blah , blah" 1."looking to make a new start." 2. "Gonna check myself into rehab to get the help I need" 3. " public do-gooder tour post rehab. Standard stuff for rehabilitating your image. Nuking the target from orbit isnt the go to move here. This guy needs to gp away in the worst way. For everybody's sake. Especially his own.
  11. They keep saying that word. I dont understand
  12. Really dude? This is where you are going? You go all vocabualry nazi ,and i comeback with a yo mama. And this is what you got? How many times does it need to be said? Do you know where you fucking are? Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  13. safetys and B-backers is all we need. Like aggy with safetys. they dont need CBs.
  14. 247 is trying to disprove they are complicit in BOMC. exppect some hate from them for awhile to placate aggy and OUsux
  15. guess all that nervousness about all those kids waiting to commit till signing day isnt quite as bad a thing now. Win and they will come. seems we need to depend on this in some cases this year
  16. Yeah. First camp needs to be in the Superdome. fUck LSU
  17. And you seem like an anal retentive asswipe thatd get into fights online bitching about grammar and word choice. Ill be happy over here dealing out my infantile "yo mama" comebacks. You can go back to waiting in line over at texsgs for a turn at your mom. Like i said. You should be ashamed
  18. checked the boards rules. oh, shit there aren't any. natty, natty, natty,
  19. yeah,your mom is having a train run on her ass over there. you should be ashamed.
  20. Sam wins a natty but no Heisman like VY. Is he equal or passes VY due to better stats? Sam loses natty, but wins Heisman? Wheres he at? He loses natty. But is one of the 3 in NY twice? Fuck it. Natty and A Heisman!!!!!!! Sam forever!!
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