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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. Yeah Baby Reindeer was intense. Dude definitely did egg it on a bit.
  2. Absolute fucking A1 sauce from Scottie!
  3. Aberg giving this course the raider rash
  4. Victor was definitely fouled by Aaron Gordon on that rebound attempt that's what they get for not calling it lol
  5. Jordan's swing isn't good compared to the best ball strikers. Never has been. He's such an insane talent that he's gotten away with it. Compare his swing to Scottie, massive difference, Scottie makes a much better and wider turn and gets the club into perfect position, doesn't have to re route it.
  6. Cracks me up when modern coaches rage quit like Saban due to everyone being able to openly pay players now. Dude did nothing but illegally recruit every stud football player in the country for years knowing the NCAA would never come down on Alabama because of the money involved. Then wants to cry about lack of control by governing bodies. These fuckbags basically killed the NCAA and their ability to enforce anything but now want to bitch about the state of things. They were the ones in complete control as it all happened. Fuckin rich.
  7. Never seen Spieth play this badly. Tiger screwed by the delay.
  8. Watching the starters, always gives me goosebumps
  9. The Bucks look really bad right now. Not only did they trade for and go all-in with an overrated player, but they may have put Boston over the top in the process.
  10. Lol, I like how the guy is asking "how is my going out of my way to say stuff that I know for a fact will bother a specific poster bullying?" We all have our opinions on the Beard situation. Derka especially was very upset about what happened. His favorite sport was in prime position with what seemed like the perfect coach and it was all ripped away. He obviously had a hard time processing that Beard's dumb ass did it to himself. And he isn't the only one who has doubts about Terry either. But the things you posted weren't legit criticisms of Beard or legit defense of Terry. You posted the things you did specifically to rile him up and you know it.
  11. The men's game is incredibly boring now. Why would a top tier basketball recruit go to a school, where they have classes and other things distracting them from what they're actually interested in? They can just go overseas or go to the G league and get paid and not have to worry about school. And the NBA teams are happy to get their hooks in guys as early as possible. I just don't see the college game ever being super interesting again.
  12. LTISD: where parents of highly touted athletic prospects send their kids in hopes of one day having a chance to steal millions from them
  13. I've seen some pranks in my day but this definitely is some twisted shit.
  14. There's just no argument you can make for him not being DPOY that doesn't involve things he can't control. Like his teammates being shit. Malaki Branham's "defense" makes me big sad.
  15. Victor just single handedly stopped a 3 on 1 fast break. Don't know if I've ever seen that. Nobody else has that defensive presence. 👽 LOL at the 2 Memphis players playing hot potato not wanting to go at him.
  16. Maybe that whole taking his shirt off bit attracted some recruits with different lifestyles...
  17. Negotiating by trashing the guy through the media, let's see how that works out for them.
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