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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. Is the 20 yard line laced with poison? How are we so bad inside the 20?
  2. I like total wine… but my gawd. Please make it stop
  3. You can’t ignore it at the point of attack. Even fuckery has limits
  4. Total wine commercials and Nissan are going to make me commit suicide dear Christ
  5. Stupid question but you can’t hit the pilon and still be considered in bounds if you don’t step out? I like tractor supply so I’ll allow that
  6. I would feel crazy if it wasn’t for this board. How is this happening every fucking GAME. My gawd!
  7. Mar crew is garbage. I can’t believe they have a job. I only hope to be as bad at something and still get paid for it like them.
  8. The reciever pulled him. That’s bullshit
  9. You like that Reddit thread too? Oh we’re talking football. Right.
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