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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. I mean, isn't that kind of the point? Two bombs went off next to the finish line of a marathon in one of our most populous cities, and only three people died. This latest shooter could have pulled up to any park, school, shopping center, or sports arena and day of the week and had the same or greater "success." I will take my chances with these introverted losers ending up on a watchlist for searching how to construct a bomb, or buying flagged materials. Or fucking up the electronics or the timing. I get your overall point. Obviously, there's going to be evil, fucked up people in the world regardless of gun laws, and the root causes there shouldn't be ignored.* But they're generally not the kind of people with the intelligence, patience, and commitment to find other ways to kill scores of random people. They want something simple and effective. *Though, honestly, I'm not sure how. The cat's out of the bag for the internet/social media/feed your extremism outlets. Our mental health apparatus sucks, but how do you help people who don't want it and have, thus far, committed no crimes worthy of mandatory assessments.
  2. Well, that's just depressing. These guys are all scared shitless to upset a very vocal segment of their constituents. Or, more likely, the people who send them checks.
  3. Wait, wut? Are you under the impression that gun shops verify age and identity based on the credit card used? Are you serious? Is that a thing? If so, how is that a thing? You can't buy beer by giving the cashier your parent's credit card in lieu of, you know, proper legal identification. For the record, the Uvalde shooter waited until he was 18 for a reason; he had tried unsuccessfully before he was of legal age. So you're against red flag laws because of some hypothecical scenario that you've concocted in your head about some random ex-employee reporting you for literally nothing and winding up on a no-fly list for the rest of your life, no further questions asked? Is that what happens in the states that do have red flag laws? Red flag laws that would be designed specifically to keep guns out of the hands of someone like this with obvious as fuck flags: Christ, man. And you also wouldn't support proof of safe storage requirements or restrictions on 30-round magazines. That's all fine and dandy, but you at least understand the impossible uphill battle the the rest of society is facing, yes? Try to squeeze by the most minor reform, and it's "a toothless bill written by people who don't know guns that won't address any of the loopholes just for the sake of 'muh feelz'" (that still won't get passed, mind you). Anything slightly beyond that, and we're on the slippery slope where everyone's coming to your door to confescate your guns. There's no middle ground that you--and certainly not the gun lobby--will ever realistically accept. I won't post again on this thread because I respect your guys' time enough to have a place on this forum where your penis size isn't called into question by lazy drive-by posters. I also like lurking this thread because it's one of the few places where you can honestly say, "You know what, I like guns. It's a fun hobby. I participate in it legally and responsibly, so fuck off" without having to formulate some generic response about protection, hunting, or safeguards against government tyranny. But you have to at least see where some of the anger comes from.
  4. Dude, they don't care, man. They never will.
  5. What the fuck are you talking about? None of them are blaming the refs. Even in the games with huge free throw disparities. That tweet was from 7 years ago.
  6. See, I was right: we're going to be talking about Lonnie Walker ending the dynasty.
  7. They weren't scary last year. They're just a really tough, veteran team with a decade of winning chemistry and one of the best basketball players ever. That said, when AD brings his A-game, they're probably the 4th best team remaining in the West. If they advance to the Finals this year, the conference should be ashamed.
  8. Gary Payton being the perfect Warrior bench player even after missing the entire year to injury on a different team--even after barely playing in the first 3 games--is pretty cool to watch. What a pro. Jordan Poole needs to be forced to shadow him all offseason.
  9. This is a pretty classic Bill Burr "What did you expect that dude to think?" situation. You don't hire Bob Huggins up coach your basketball team for his empathetic nature and progressive values. Still can't just flat out say it out loud though.
  10. Jokic averaging 41.5 points, 10.5 rebounds, 14.0 assists and 63% shooting in Phoenix and losing both games does not bode particularly well for Denver. I'm sure they'll get more role players contribution at home, but what a waste. Though, I guess Phoenix would be saying the same thing had they lost a game with Booker shooting 97%.
  11. "The only thing that can stop guns is more guns" has got to be the dumbest idea going in a country full of really dumb ideas.
  12. Fuck, man. Fuck. What the fuck are we doing? Just going to pretend like there's nothing we could possibly do forever?
  13. I don't usually perv out over celebrities, but I'd watch Rebecca Ferguson do her taxes.
  14. Pack this shit in. Two embarrassing efforts in a row by the road team. Lakers deserve credit though. Not going to win many games when AD is literally everywhere, even if Golden State had played a solid game.
  15. Bullshit. He fouls on most plays and just counts on the refs to not foul him out of every game. Let it go, man. We get it. You're wrong, but we understand why you hold that opinion. Draymond's histrionics have made it important to judge him fairly as a basketball player, and he only has himself to blame.
  16. This take foul shit has got to stop. I get the intentional foul to stop a fast break, or a clear path foul. But Russell just happened to be in the way on that one.
  17. I got pushback last year for suggesting that Leclerc makes more unforced errors than other top drivers. Oopsie.
  18. Honestly, when Russia invaded Ukraine and started genociding, resulting in financial sanctions, did anyone not think that GRHorn would use the situation as a direct advertisement for cryptocurrency? Few things have ever been as predictable.
  19. Playing every other night all series definitely favors Golden State. LA looked gassed in the fourth on Tuesday and most of this game. Chasing around Steph and Klay is a beating. I expect Golden State to run about 100 PnRs in Game 3 with Steph and whomever is being guarded by AD. This series is pretty easy though: if AD plays as aggressively as he did in Game 1 three, probably four more times, the Lakers win. LeBron can't take over games singlehandedly anymore, and we're not going to be talking about how the Warriors dynasty was ended by Austin Reaves, Rui Hachimura, and D'Angelo Russell.
  20. And dudes have been getting layups off his passes. Pick your poison. Making other guys beat you--including Klay--is a sound strategy, but not if they're getting warm up shots. Something tells me if other guys weren't hitting and the game was closer, he'd have more than 6 shots. But why exert the energy.
  21. Steph isn't a team meeting big speech kind of leader, but he had to address the team before Game 7 and basically tell everyone who's in their feelings about playing time and their role to not bother getting on the bus. Doesn't exactly take a rocket surgeon to figure out that he was talking to Poole and Kuminga.
  22. Dude. 23/6/5 on 42%/34% splits isn't "good" for a superstar player of his regular season caliber. It's profoundly disappointing. You act like he plays decently enough, but is eventually just overmatched, when he's often a (the?) key contributor to their demise. He shot under 40% in that infamous 2015 Clippers series and was riding the bench during Josh Smith heroics. In the obvious aforementioned 2017 Spurs' series, it wasn't just the pathetic Game 6; he shot 41%/31% for the series (3-17 in Game 2). In 2018, against Golden State, he shot 41%/24% (on 11 3PTA a game). The following year, he lost Game 6 at home to a KD-less Warriors. So yeah, we remember the stinkers first because there's been so many, and he hasn't broken through yet. Of course he isn't always bad. He's played a shit ton of playoff games. But consistency is a huge part of what makes a superstar a superstar. You generally have no fucking clue what you'll get out of him. He deserves credit for a HUGE game after looking washed in round 1. He's in a great spot with little pressure. He's no longer his team's best player. Win the series, and he'll get serious props for setting the tone by stealing Game 1 practically singlehandedly. Lose, and it falls on Embiid or his injury.
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