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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. I'm rarely one to defend LeBron, but the LeBron takes on this page are just awful. He gave a tremendous effort to try to keep a team that was clearly outmatched from being swept, despite knowing that the series was already over.
  2. LA has played a perfect half, but Denver just keeps hanging around.
  3. He hasn't been on a roster all season. I think the NBA retired him.
  4. Just like Dillon Brooks, Boston has an easy scape goat to shit can and avoid acknowledging the deeper issues for now.
  5. Boston won the offensive rebounding battle 21-1. 99 times out of 100, that's a pretty clear indication of which team was hungrier. But, nah, Miami just didn't miss any shots to rebound.
  6. bUt ThE nBa Is RiGgEd!!! Literally no one is going to hold you to that.
  7. I don't know about the clutch stats, but I do know they were 6-6 at home last year in the playoffs. 4-5 so far this year. Just a really weird fucking team that seemingly never wins the games that they're supposed to.
  8. Not curious at all why the video cuts out when it does and doesn't show another half second to make it crystal clear that he's just turning his head to run back down court?
  9. I get it. But what does bitching about the media...to the media...buy them? Now everyone's talking about him, not Murray. Win the series, and they'll get plenty of respect naturally. Lose, and he's the dude who ran his mouth too soon. Just seems pointless.
  10. You guys are the idiots who targeted him for years and traded for him under a max contract. Though, I guess getting out of Wiggins' contract at the cost of only one lottery pick wasn't seen as that bad of a deal at the time. Still people funny that he was viewed as the missing piece beside KAT and Ant.
  11. Hey man, I'm with you. I'd love for the narratives today to be "Is Jamal Murray the 2nd best point guard in the NBA?" and "Look how terrible LeBron has been in 4th quarters this postseason." But Mike Malone doesn't get to decide that any more than I do, so what's the point of getting caught up in it two games into a series?
  12. I'd probably be with you if they won handily last night. I understand being ticked off that the media ran with the "the Lakers figured Denver out in the 2nd half" narrative after Game 1 when you have the best player on the planet and the best starting 5 in the league; so, if they came out energized and ran LA out of the gym last night, then I would have fully supported a snide, "So how about those adjustments?" comment. But they played pretty damn sloppy and lethargically for large chunks of the game and were a little fortunate that AD and LeBron played like ass offensively. A win is a win in the playoffs, but not sure it was worthy of a "how do you like them apples?"
  13. From whom? Random morning show talking heads whose job it to stir the pot who he just gave 45 minutes of content?
  14. Pretty much this. It's the Lakers with LeBron on the roster...what does everyone expect? Denver is the 1 seed and took care of business at home. Nice job. A little early for "Why isn't the media talking about us???" I'm rooting for them, but win something first, then talk.
  15. LeBron with the death stare to the cameraman that wouldn't get out of his way so he could get to the locker room.
  16. Errryybody fucking gassed.
  17. Huge props to Denver for ramping up their defensive intensity from late 2nd quarter onward. Amazing how much better their offense looks when they're not taking the ball out of the net or watching LA shoot free throws.
  18. Pretending like he's read a single word of any of those bills is pretty rich as well. These dudes sure stick to a very specific template of bullshit.
  19. Denver needs to find some semblance of defense. So far it looks like a continuation of Tuesday's 2nd half. Lakers getting any look they want.
  20. Hey, here's an idea: why not have Javee give his opinion right away, before he can guess (or flat out know) what the refs are going to call, and then fall in line to defend them?
  21. There's totally no ref bias in the NBA The same refs who called Tatum for traveling twice in the last two minutes?
  22. Yeah, I'm obviously a huge Kerr fan and think he's underrated because we retroactively treat taking over the 2014 Warriors as some sure thing. I think he definitely belongs in the best current coach discussion, but top 5 All-time is a bit much. He created a revolutionary offense around his superstar and deserves credit for that vision, starting Draymond, and convincing Steph to handle the ball less and use his gravity and constant movement to exploit defenses. Steph's presence in that offense allows them to play multiple high IQ non-shooters at once--that bolster a top-tier defense--without grinding their offense to a halt. BUT, without Steph on the court, Kerr's offense has always ranged from pedestrian to downright shitty, even with other world-class shooters on the court. Steph is the offense. Steph is the culture. Steph is the franchise. Because of that, it's hard to judge Kerr independently, much like Belichick with Brady. It's also more than fair to question their drafting and player development post Draymond, whose draft preceded Kerr.
  23. You could have stopped there, and it would still be true.
  24. You can tell this is a Game 1. Way too many dudes laughing and smiling with each other. Can't wait until they all hate each other by Game 4.
  25. Not gonna lie: loving seeing a team make the extra passes on a fast break to get a fucking dunk, not an open 3.
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