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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Me: The Bachelor is an American television program in which a bunch of women vie for the attention of one man in exotic locations. I know this because I've watched television in the past 20 years, have eyes and ears, and better object permanence than my one-year old. 52-80: You care about the Bachelor! What a loser! I'm a great, big smart person.
  2. Yeah, dude, you suck at this. Giving a shit about how big the green number is next to people's names isn't the same thing as realizing that, when you do get rep from a select few posters, it sure as shit isn't because you said someone intelligent or insightful. I "care about rep" insofar as, if I see that Vic Mackey and immortal like something that I said, I probably just posted something really fucking dumb. Troll harder.
  3. I don't give a shit about rep... I just don't see the point in pretending like I'm an oblivious idiot with the memory of a goldfish. Your mileage may vary.
  4. 52-80 sitting here with almost 15,000 posts trying to pretend like he doesn't know that getting rep from Macklemore and Animal Nicotine means you just posted something pretty fucking ignorant and stupid. Holy shit, that's adorable. It's going to blow his mind when he realizes that shadow operative is Derka and Helibious tends to be wrong about things.
  5. Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting Barbie.
  6. What's the both sides equivalent of this movie and qanon. I'm dying to know.
  7. Are you trying to flood the zone with terrible takes?
  8. aggie08


    It's depressing, man. Even someone I know isn't a true believer can be persuaded into "In California, they'll take your kids if you don't let them have gender surgeries when they're under your roof." And how incredibly easy is it to convince yourself that your "side" is always right when the other side is, from what you've been told, taking children away from parents who aren't woke enough.
  9. aggie08


    I told him that CPS has enough legal trouble removing kids from abusive homes. Ain't no one going take your kid just because you're unsupportive of their gender identity. But it's definitely one of those, "well, I heard it from a reliable source [probably his dad], so I'm going to go ahead and keep believing it" situations.
  10. aggie08


    More aptly, how do you combat that level of propaganda?
  11. aggie08


    So a good friend of mine--who is generally apolitical, but probably leans right if you held his feet to the fire (but definitely not mainlining Fox News or anything)--asked me today if I had heard of the new law that, if your kid expresses an interest in changing genders at an early age and you hold them back in any way, shape, or form, CPS is obligated to take your kids away from you. What. The. Fuck. How do you combat that level of ignorance?
  12. It's one thing for Max to be pretty much uncatchable on the track, but him being so far ahead by the first round of pit stops every race to make things like strategy, overcuts, and undercuts completely meaningless is a bummer.
  13. This argument is as regarded as my dumb ass somehow having enough money to buy Coke, and people saying, "Look, people are still drinking Coke a year later! He can't be doing that bad of a job!"
  14. Exactly what percentage of credit does Elon get for Twitter's current market share? Is it getting better or worse?
  15. I imagine you've read as many prong horn posts as anyone...it's his schtick.
  16. I swear we wouldn't have to look too hard to find posts discussing if Dillon Brooks is one of those players that just disappears from the league in a year or two. Then some dumbass paid him 80 million dollars.
  17. Saturday at Monaco was the field's best (only) chance to win a race with a functioning Red Bull in the field. Alonso almost got it done.
  18. Two years in a row that Portland has committed 9 figured to someone that I had to ask, "Wait...who?" Partially my fault for not following the league as closely, but what a stuck organization.
  19. There is no chance in hell this little bitch put himself in front of a crowd that he didn't know going in would be extremely supportive of him.
  20. East Texas: A True Utopia of No Gays and Gourmet TexMex.
  21. "High IQ" teammates of LeBron is good business.
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