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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. This would be funnier if it wasn’t, verbatim, what I imagine an Andrew Tate podcast is like.
  2. Who still uses cash at a drive thru? So you can add 68 cents to the loose change under your center armrest? Smart. That way they can only mess up the food, not how much you pay for it.
  3. No, they won’t. Other than Christie, they all have to publicly lament the injustice of all this and Biden’s corrupt DOJ in transparent (and unsuccessful) attempts to spread their ass cheeks for MAGA. They’ll carry Trump’s water while privately praying that Smith finishes the deed.
  4. And it makes stupid people feel smart because they know “what’s really going on.”
  5. Also, this. A lot of posters have recused themselves--or never visit--CR (some for valid sanity-related reasons, others because they know there's no real defense for things like this) and live in purposely built information bubbles. If they want to stay sheltered from this, I know a much shittier website they could visit. No, it's not the moderators' jobs to pull people out of their bubbles, but I don't think it serves anybody's interest to ignore it on the primary news forum. People who really wish to bury their heads in the sand still can.
  6. I don’t know, man. This isn’t “political news.” It’s not someone voting on a bill that I disagree with. It’s our most recent ex-President committing some light treason. Yes, it’s impossible to separate the politics and the drive-bys, but it’s a big fucking deal, regardless of individual leanings. If this was 8 years ago, it would be the biggest story on the planet. It feels weird to confine it to, “Oh, just more political mud slinging.”
  7. Hysterical and incredibly depressing. Forget the politics of it: we elected someone who has publicly displayed that kind of sheer stupidity and recklessness for decades.
  8. Donald Trump is who he’s always been for 40+ years in the public eye, and maybe we shouldn’t elect those kind of people to public office, even if they temporarily align with our “side”.
  9. I don’t know if he’s a willful traitor, but god damn, what a fucking dumb ass.
  10. I can only drink so much. I’m only one man.
  11. This is all funny now until your mom swears at the next family dinner that she saw Biden brag about drinking children’s blood during his last speech.
  12. Listen, I know Elon gets a lot of criticism for what he’s done to Twitter, but hear me out…
  13. Yeah, really key in on those 2 or 3 dozen evangelicals who actually care about living their life according to Christ with kindness and dignity, that won’t completely abandon those principles for the opportunity to take power and force their beliefs on others.
  14. Nah, I’m with TwiceHorn on this. Seriously fuck these “Everyone you don’t like is fucked!” wishcasting tweets for clicks. It’s been 8 years. Let’s keep the outcomes in the realm of possibility.
  15. Tried FUBAR for shits and giggles, and it’s the exact show you think it is: an unofficial True Lies equal with no Jim Cameron, good actors, or production value. Yet, it flirts with the “it’s so bad it’s kind of good” line.
  16. While you are, indeed, correct, I’m just going to come out and say it: Seltzers are the way to go when day drinking. 5%, still have some semblance of a decent taste, won’t make you feel bloated as fuck like a six pack of Bud Lights would. Maybe mix in a Cutwater here or there. Fight me.
  17. Scorching hot take incoming: I love Jimmy Butler as much as the next guy, but can we tap the brakes just a little on his "unmatched desire to win." He obviously wants to win desperately. But he'd still be wallowing away in mediocrity in Minnesota if they paid him when he wanted them to (leading to his infamous practice tirade). He didn't want out because of KAT and Wiggins' lack of work ethic; he wanted out because he didn't get paid. And he went to Miami because they could pay him more money (more power to him), not necessarily because they were closer to winning a Championship than Philly. Also, if he gets credit for being a top ~5 player in the postseason, doesn't he deserve a little blame for barely being a top 20 player in the regular season? Surely, the plan isn't to squeak by in the play-in most years and play the 3 toughest teams in the conference to make the Finals. Maybe if Playoff Jimmy made an appearance twice a month--something he's clearly capable of--they wouldn't live in the bottom half of the conference. He's not Robert Horry or Draymond Green, guys that can sleepwalk through the regular season on great teams and then turn it up for the playoffs. He's the best player on a title contending team. Being the inverse James Harden is cool, but it makes annointing him an all-time great really difficult.
  18. Playing Devil’s Advocate a bit here, but is it possible that there was some altruism with Jay negotiating without the players’ involvement? Basically, “I’ll make everyone a shit ton of money, I’ll take the hit and be the bad guy and the hypocrite, you guys get to be shocked and outraged and save face.”
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