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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. And if Gil had so much as mentioned carrying guns, as a second offense, he would have been suspended for a full season and then some. But Adam Silver isn't David Stern. I'm sure Adam took it a little personally essentially getting lied to, but he doesn't hold vendettas like Mr. Stern. Dave would have dropped the hammer the day that 2nd video came out. The longer this goes without Ja's suspension announcement, the less severe I imagine it will be.
  2. Minka was so hot, she was slated to be the first Mrs. Jeter for like 6 seconds.
  3. Even when I think about how smart you are, I get hard. There's a man who understands the female psyche and realizes how important it is to respect their mind and intellect.
  4. So, what I’m gathering is that your assessment of a President consists of gas prices and does he talk real good. Not necessarily trying to insult you…I’m guessing that’s as deep as it goes for a lot of people. Otherwise, what “flashy” accomplishments are you looking for from a President?
  5. Coach Taylor is without equal when it comes to last second touchdown plays.
  6. Still pisses me off the people using his “lack of playoff success” as the reason they didn’t vote for him for repeat MVP this year (and last year). Dude’s always been a playoff monster, putting up absurd numbers. He’s just had absolutely no help, and he hasn’t had the luxury of playing in some of those LeBron Eastern conferences over the years. He’s almost always good for at least one series win, and, over the last 3 seasons, every team that he’s lost to in the playoffs has, at worst, made it to the Finals. Just a lazy argument.
  7. Oh, stop. He didn’t “flail.” His legs were just barely separated. He was in pretty decent control of his body. Gordon was just very close. I’m fine if you think that was a foul on Butler, but no need to be melodramatic. Comparing his motion to Reggie Miller’s and the like is being dishonest. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see the call go any of 3 ways, but I can at least see how the refs could convince themselves that was a mostly natural shooting motion. Butler’s motion looked like a thousand Jordan mid-range turnarounds, just with somebody’s dick getting in the way. Go attempt some drifting jumpers at full sprint and report back how closely you were able to keep your feet.
  8. Count me as a 2nd person that doesn’t think the call was that egregious. The slo-mo replay doesn’t do it justice. It wasn’t a set shot. Jimmy was running full speed towards the right hand corner, caught the pass, and turned 90 degrees, jumped, and shot in one motion. It’s literally impossible to NOT kick a leg out for balance in that scenario. I don’t think he exaggerated the kick much/at all. If the refs determined that that was his natural shooting motion for such a shot, then Gordon ran into his leg. if it were me, I would have overturned it and said play on, no foul on anyone. But I didn’t see it as some uniquely horrible call or a sign that the refs were purposely trying to extend the series.
  9. This would be funnier if it wasn’t, verbatim, what I imagine an Andrew Tate podcast is like.
  10. Who still uses cash at a drive thru? So you can add 68 cents to the loose change under your center armrest? Smart. That way they can only mess up the food, not how much you pay for it.
  11. No, they won’t. Other than Christie, they all have to publicly lament the injustice of all this and Biden’s corrupt DOJ in transparent (and unsuccessful) attempts to spread their ass cheeks for MAGA. They’ll carry Trump’s water while privately praying that Smith finishes the deed.
  12. And it makes stupid people feel smart because they know “what’s really going on.”
  13. Also, this. A lot of posters have recused themselves--or never visit--CR (some for valid sanity-related reasons, others because they know there's no real defense for things like this) and live in purposely built information bubbles. If they want to stay sheltered from this, I know a much shittier website they could visit. No, it's not the moderators' jobs to pull people out of their bubbles, but I don't think it serves anybody's interest to ignore it on the primary news forum. People who really wish to bury their heads in the sand still can.
  14. I don’t know, man. This isn’t “political news.” It’s not someone voting on a bill that I disagree with. It’s our most recent ex-President committing some light treason. Yes, it’s impossible to separate the politics and the drive-bys, but it’s a big fucking deal, regardless of individual leanings. If this was 8 years ago, it would be the biggest story on the planet. It feels weird to confine it to, “Oh, just more political mud slinging.”
  15. Hysterical and incredibly depressing. Forget the politics of it: we elected someone who has publicly displayed that kind of sheer stupidity and recklessness for decades.
  16. Donald Trump is who he’s always been for 40+ years in the public eye, and maybe we shouldn’t elect those kind of people to public office, even if they temporarily align with our “side”.
  17. I don’t know if he’s a willful traitor, but god damn, what a fucking dumb ass.
  18. I can only drink so much. I’m only one man.
  19. This is all funny now until your mom swears at the next family dinner that she saw Biden brag about drinking children’s blood during his last speech.
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