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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Kristen Wiig is obviously very happy with her current body and good for her.
  2. And we're playing basketball? Oh. That's not great for us.
  3. This is the only place on the internet to get financial advice and Houston Astros news, huh?
  4. Who gives a fuck about men's wedding rings? Dude couldn't afford the $250 to replace it?
  5. Not maybe vehicles you can easily fit eight whole bags of Home Depot-sized topsoil in. I can just barely squeeze that much in my Mazda Miata's trunk.
  6. Unless you've got some deep space Anne Hathaway tail waiting for you. Then, a quick hospital visit after spending 80 of your daughter's years getting back to her will suffice before boarding the ship to pound town. Understandable.
  7. This movie is so good, I only roll my eyes a little bit during Anne Hathaway's "love is the 4th dimension" spiel.
  8. I know some states have 24 hour cool down periods, but I know vehicle "refunds" aren't a thing.
  9. Great post. It's also why I can't help but push back on the narrative that CDC HAD to hire Terry. A top 10 program--which Texas strives and has the resources to be--doesn't automatically hire an interim coach with a mediocre track record as a HC because he coached half a season and makes the Elite 8. They do their due diligence. If Terry is the guy after weighing the options, then so be it. And, who knows, maybe they did kick the tires on a few potential candidates quietly before deciding to give Terry the reins.
  10. What gets me is that posters antagonize Derka even in the fucking Rick Barnes thread. Almost a decade after his firing. If ever there was a place on the internet to let Derka cook, it's there. Instead, some purposely seek him out to prod him, then act indignant when he "Derkas it up". No shit, Sherlock. It's the RICK BARNES thread. Derka is INCREDIBLY easy to avoid with almost zero effort. Unlike the trolls, he sticks to a small handful of threads. But it's clear that some take pleasure in the drama that Derka creates. You don't have to like him; you don't have to sympathize with him; it's not your responsibility as an anonymous message board poster to look after his mental health or make him better ...but how big of a piece of shit do you have to be to actively try to make him worse, so you can point and laugh? That said, I understand the predicament that it puts the mods in having someone who takes his standing and treatment within the community so deeply personally. Deriving self worth from the internet is a dangerous game, so, if this ban is permanent, I sincerely hope a lot of good comes out of it in the long run.
  11. You mean to tell me that his exemplary "trigger discipline" that the right jerked themselves off about for months wasn't taken into consideration???
  12. Just get the veggie burrito, and guac is free. Chipotle's meat tastes like boiled asshole anyway.
  13. Uh, he's not even trying to hide it. I don't give a shit if he--or anyone else--gets banned or not, but talk about being intentionally obtuse. The mannerisms and posting patterns are identical.
  14. This makes me angrier than anything that's ever been posted on this website. Order of operations is fucking woke now?? I may or may not be an engineer.
  15. 100%. But how insane and terrifying is it that Karl fucking Rove is now a RINO? Where's Johnny Sack to tell us that it's the left that has moved to extremes, and the right has generally remained the same?
  16. People still trying to create a stir--in 2024--about what athletes do or don't do during the national anthem can get all the way fucked. Find some hobbies.
  17. I'm sure Vince Langman is a well-adjusted, super successful individual.
  18. Just find something funny that doesn't look like it's pulled straight from 4chan.
  19. It's hard to fathom how tall these mother fuckers are off of the basketball coach. Dude looks like Lurch. I'm 6'3" and I get "how's the air up there?" jokes and assumptions about what collegiate sports I must have played. Bitch, I'd be undersized for a point guard in the NBA.
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