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Posts posted by hornmpa96

  1. 5 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    If McCarthy does the plurality thing and it passes, and they are forced to vote for him, wouldn’t the first thing to happen afterwards is 5 of them put him up for recall and start the carousel up again?

    I think he doesn’t present the agreed upon rules package. They didn’t originally vote for him so why should he honor that deal.

  2. 1 minute ago, Bateshorn said:

    I honestly don’t know.  In theory, if the Senate were to pass a debt limit increase, a member could introduce a discharge petition on the Senate bill that if it garnered enough signatures (218) would eventually ripen on to the action calendar and force the House to vote on the measure.  It takes 30-ish days for that to occur if a special dispensation is not given by Rules.

    Ive been advising my client to expect an extended government shut down in 2024.


    Would McCarthy rely on D votes to extend the debt ceiling and fund the government?

    They can’t even elect a Speaker. We are so fucked.

  3. RIP Coach Gus

    How many times while Coach Gus was here did a Texas base runner at 3rd draw a balk from the pitcher?

    His teams would always find a way to create a run.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 3 hours ago, deadshank said:

    What do you think?  Second opinions are welcome.   Don’t ever want to have a narrow view.  Tell me what I missed or over valued.  

    His head and neck look like a 6 year old to me. Also, curious if he showed some loose skin as well from losing the weight during the rut?

    On my place, mature bucks will be around 200 lbs on the hoof in October/early November and down to 150 by the end of December.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. On 12/22/2022 at 1:06 PM, Neonmoon said:

    Chase ignoring policies because one of their customers is throwing a titty tantrum does not mean they are crooks. 

    Again, your banker may not like the policies of its former employer and has different policies but it does not mean they are crooks. 

    Big Banks are not bad for the country IMO. They’re not perfect, but they’re not the boogeyman. They provide a valued service 



    One issue with this - The Regs you quoted state that the Bank MAY hold the funds. That also means they have the choice to not hold the funds. Chase is making a choice to the detriment of their depositors. I don’t really have an opinion on that choice but it doesn’t sound like Chase can blame this on the Feds.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 18 minutes ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Is the leg thing correctable? Hindsight  is 20-20, but he should have opted into the second year with the Twins and had surgery. 

    No idea but he’s definitely viewed as “damaged goods” and will need to take a discount either in years or AAV.

  7. I appreciate in the Southwest Employee email that Aggie Bob says “Southwest is still a great company.”

    They need a dose of reality. Southwest has one fucking job - Transport passengers and their luggage on time and safely. At this point, their grade is clearly a F. Also, they can’t blame this on the weather as the weather was the same for every other major airline and last I checked WN is the only airline trying to schedule crews with a #2 pencil and a Big Chief notebook. At times in a company’s life, you have to invest in technology and WN waited 30 years too late.

    If Bob was being honest, he would have said - “Southwest sucks. We’re going to be paying a significant sum to passengers who had to rebook on other airlines and we still need to update our technology so this never happens again.”

    • Hook 'Em 5
    • Rage+1 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  8. On 12/21/2022 at 2:41 PM, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Don't forget to fully fund a HSA if your employer has them as part of your benefits. And preferably don't use the funds to pay for current healthcare unless absolutely necessary. Let the balance grow in an investment account, and then withdrawal as late as possible (after you retire) for healthcare expenses. with that you never pay income tax on it.

    Or you can use them for non-healthcare expenses in retirement but you would owe taxes on those expenses.

    Also, I have read that there is no time limit on when you can get reimbursed for healthcare expenses from your HSA. Accordingly you can save receipts for unreimbursed medical expenses until you retire and then pull out one lump-sum amount tax-free when you retire.

  9. 27 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    That is a very nice buck.  Congrats.    Did you / are you going to pull the tape on him?  Are you going to peel his head and age him?  Or just let the taxi do all that?

    What is your on the hoof estimate of age and score before you pin cushioned him?  

    Have you been eyeballing this guy for a few years or is he a transient that just shows up?  

    I like the details.   Give them to me.  

    Don’t deny us the punch line. 

    He taped out at 165 3/8. I’m going to let the taxi pull his jawbone for age as I don’t want to screw up the cape. I estimated his age at 7 on the hoof as I’ve been watching him for 3 seasons now.

    Here’s his picture from October 2020:


    After scouting through October and looking through camera pictures, I decided this would be the buck I would try and take. Unfortunately for him, he particularly likes the corn thrown by 2 different feeders and post-rut, he went back to his routine.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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